Dynamic Index Drop Create Script

  • Morning All

    I have the following script so far to check for any indexes which have not been used in a lookup, scan or seek and to create a drop command for index maintenance.

    I then want to create a create command just incase we ever need to recreate the index for whatever reason, I have got it working to a degree, but cant get it to generate the create statement if the index contains more than one column.


    'DROP INDEX [' + b.name + '] ON ['+OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(a.object_id) + '].['+OBJECT_NAME(a.object_id) + ']',

    'CREATE INDEX [' + b.name + '] ON ['+OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(a.object_id) + '].['+OBJECT_NAME(a.object_id) + '] (' + d.name +')'


    sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats a

    inner join

    sys.indexes b


    a.object_id = b.object_id


    a.index_id = b.index_id

    inner join

    sys.index_columns c


    a.object_id = c.object_id


    a.index_id = c.index_id

    inner join

    sys.columns d


    a.object_id = d.object_id


    c.index_column_id = d.column_id


    database_id = (DB_ID('netcars'))


    user_lookups = 0


    user_scans = 0


    user_seeks = 0

    order by


    /Initial results/

    DROP INDEX [IX_Vehicle_Colour] ON [dbo].[Vehicle]

    CREATE INDEX [IX_Vehicle_Colour] ON [dbo].[Vehicle] (VehicleId)

    DROP INDEX [IX_FeedProviderMapping] ON [dbo].[FeedProviderMapping]

    CREATE INDEX [IX_FeedProviderMapping] ON [dbo].[FeedProviderMapping] (FeedProviderMappingId)

    DROP INDEX [IX_FeedProviderMapping] ON [dbo].[FeedProviderMapping]

    CREATE INDEX [IX_FeedProviderMapping] ON [dbo].[FeedProviderMapping] (FeedProviderMappingGroupId)

    /Expected Results/

    DROP INDEX [IX_Vehicle_Colour] ON [dbo].[Vehicle]

    CREATE INDEX [IX_Vehicle_Colour] ON [dbo].[Vehicle] (VehicleId)

    DROP INDEX [IX_FeedProviderMapping] ON [dbo].[FeedProviderMapping]

    CREATE INDEX [IX_FeedProviderMapping] ON [dbo].[FeedProviderMapping] (FeedProviderMappingId,FeedProviderMappingGroupId)

    Any help would be appreciated.



  • anthony.green (10/7/2011)

    Morning All

    I have the following script so far to check for any indexes which have not been used in a lookup, scan or seek and to create a drop command for index maintenance.

    Be very, very, very careful with that. The DMV only stores info since the last time the DB was started. Easy to mistake a seldom-used index for an unused index.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
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