December 20, 2012 at 3:52 am
Id like to create a Data source that is dynamic and based on a table. (Ie user opens the report and has a drop down with a list of all the Servers. Clicks on the Server they want and a Second list is populated with a list of the databases on that server then click report an query is ran to populate a table with information)
I believe all i have to do is write the Expression correctly but i cant seem to get it working for the dynamic data source.
I created a static data source that gets the table and lists them out in a parameter.
I then created another data source that will be populated with the parameter from the first.
My Expression is:
="Data Source=" & Parameters!Server.Value & ";Initial Catalog=master"
If i set the dynamic data source to a static one the rest of the report runs.
Is this functionality not possible (Ie having a data source that is not static. ) i found a lot of examples of making dynamic database choice in the connection string but couldn't on the Server side..
Hope someone can help
December 20, 2012 at 5:23 am
Resolved it.
Found this on SQLCentral. (didn't pop up in my google searchs 🙁 ) which is 80% of what i wanted. I redid my report again using this and it worked...
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