Dynamic Data Connection

  • I'm in the process of putting togther some DR stuff for my company. I'm considering DB Mirroring with automatic failover which seems pretty straight forward. The big question is:

    How to redirect requests from our apps/websites to the failed over DB?

    What different technologies can be utilized to automatically redirect applications to the failed over DB server?

    I currently use SQL Standard 2000 (or 2008 Standard if I upgrade) on W2k8 Standard Servers.

    I know this is more of an application question than a SQL question but I figured most of you would have knowledge of this. TIA.

  • Presumably you are using firewalls between your web servers and your db servers?

    Can you NAT the ip address from the primary db server to the secondary db server using the firewall?

    i.e. the firewall changes the target ip address of the db server to go to the secondary db server.

  • AVB (5/25/2010)

    I'm in the process of putting togther some DR stuff for my company. I'm considering DB Mirroring with automatic failover which seems pretty straight forward. The big question is:

    How to redirect requests from our apps/websites to the failed over DB?


    for DB Mirroring with automatic failover you need to upgrade to SQL 2008 (minimum SQL 2005 SP1). If your applications are built with .NET you can use the keyword "Failover Partner" in the connection strings... http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/5h52hef8.aspx.

  • Mark,

    Thanks for the reply. Yes I'll have two firewalls between each DB server as they will reside on separate networks that are geographically dispersed. I can do NAT as well.

  • Jetro,

    Thanks as well for replying. Yes most of our apps are .NET. I plan on having NLB Webservers for our websites/webservices apps. I'll look into your suggestion. Thanks again.

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