Dynamic Crosstab for any table

  • Is there a way to specify a table, pivot field, pivot value and create a crosstab, much like the transform/pivot function of jet sql?

    There was a posting this week that dealt with trouble shooting a hard coded crosstab to remove blank rows.

    Someone responded with a question about writing a dynamic crosstab.  I have a function in vbscript that does it for my asp pages but have been unable to figure it out in T-SQL.  If anyone has one or is interested, please post.  I envision feeding in table or view name,columns to group,pivot column,value column,aggregate function and returning a result table.  It doesn't seem like a temp table is necessary, but rather running a query to get column values and then building the case statement for each of those values.


  • Hello williamhoos,

    A quite good generic stored procedure is at this URL:


    Here is the complete code, with a slight annotation on my part:


    sp_JRMCrossTab - Dynamically creates a crosstab / pivot type of table.

    Author : John MacIntyre


    Copyright 2002 JohnMacIntyre.ca © All rights reserved.

    Please use and modify as you like, but please keep my name and URL included.


    CREATE PROC sp_JRMCrossTab

    @Table VARCHAR(255),  -- Table or view name

    @RowFld VARCHAR(255), -- Row field or field list

    @ColFld VARCHAR(255), -- The pivot column

    @ValFld VARCHAR(255), -- The value field

    @Filter VARCHAR(255), -- The where clause

    @AggFunct VARCHAR(255) -- The aggrate function.



       DECLARE @sql AS VARCHAR(8000)

       DECLARE @CursorSQL AS VARCHAR(8000)

       DECLARE @ColVal AS VARCHAR(1024)

       DECLARE @NewCol AS VARCHAR(2048)

       /* get col hdrs */


          + 'SELECT ' + @ColFld + ' FROM ' + @Table + ' GROUP BY '

          + @ColFld + ' ORDER BY ' + @ColFld

       EXEC( @CursorSQL )

       OPEN FldCursor

       /* traverse col hdrs, generating SQL for table */

       SET @sql = 'SELECT ' + @RowFld

       FETCH NEXT FROM FldCursor INTO @ColVal



          SET @NewCol = ', ' + @AggFunct + '(CASE ' + @ColFld + ' WHEN '''

             + @ColVal + ''' THEN ' + @ValFld + ' ELSE NULL END) AS [' + @ColVal + ']'

          SET @sql = @sql + @NewCol

          FETCH NEXT FROM FldCursor INTO @ColVal


       CLOSE FldCursor

       DEALLOCATE FldCursor

       /* finish SQL */

       SET @sql = @sql + ' FROM ' + @Table

       IF 0 < LEN( @Filter)

          SET @sql = @sql + ' WHERE ' + @Filter

       SET @sql = @sql + ' GROUP BY ' + @RowFld + ' ORDER BY ' + @RowFld

       /* run it! */

       /* PRINT @sql */

       EXEC( @sql)




    Bob Monahon

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