Dynamic Columns - Cash Flow problem

  • WayneS (9/2/2010)


    David's solution rocks. Just use that.

    Thanks Wayne :blush:

    Not sure that it rocks, might need a bit of fine tuning 🙂

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • David Burrows (9/2/2010)

    WayneS (9/2/2010)


    David's solution rocks. Just use that.

    Thanks Wayne :blush:

    Not sure that it rocks, might need a bit of fine tuning 🙂

    The only area of improvement that I can see is the 4 unioned select statements - everything else is just plain rock solid. It would be nice if it could be taken down to one pass of the table, instead of 4. Edit: But I just don't see a way of doing this, what with a transaction being able to be for both the account and partner at the same time.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
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  • I would like to thank everybody for helping me with this problem.

    It is good to learn something new especially when you can ask if there are any problems.

  • There is one more issue on this 😉

    Having code:


    @startdate nvarchar(10), --cast datetime

    @periodlength nvarchar(20), --cast int

    @periodsnumber nvarchar(20), --cast int

    @ph nvarchar(3),

    @acc nvarchar(3),

    @SQL1 nvarchar(max),

    @SQLphD nvarchar(max),

    @SQLphC nvarchar(max),

    @SQLacctD nvarchar(max),

    @SQLacctC nvarchar(max),

    @SQL2 nvarchar(max),

    @SQLTotal nvarchar(max)

    SET @SQLphD = 'SELECT [Classification] = ''Partner Debit''' + CHAR(10)

    SET @SQLphC = 'SELECT [Classification] = ''Partner Credit''' + CHAR(10)

    SET @SQLacctD = 'SELECT [Classification] = ''Account Debit''' + CHAR(10)

    SET @SQLacctC = 'SELECT [Classification] = ''Account Credit''' + CHAR(10)

    SET @SQLTotal = 'SELECT [Classification] = ''Total''' + CHAR(10)

    SET @startdate = '2009-10-28' -- probably will be fixed as today()

    SET @periodlength = 7 -- number of days in each time period - DYNAMIC

    SET @periodsnumber = 15 -- number of periods to be shown - DYNAMIC

    SET @ph = 'PE1' -- Partner code

    SET @acc = '330' -- Account code

    -- Partner Debit

    SELECT @SQLphD = @SQLphD

    + ',[' + [PeriodName] +'] = sum(CASE WHEN Period = ' + [id] + ' THEN Debit ELSE 0.0 END)' + CHAR(10)

    FROM (SELECT cast(n AS nvarchar) as id,

    PeriodName = CONVERT(varchar(3), (N*@periodlength)-(@periodlength-1)) + ' - ' + CONVERT(varchar(3), (N*@periodlength))

    FROM dbo.Tally

    WHERE n <= @periodsnumber

    ) d

    ORDER BY cast(id as int)

    SELECT @SQLphD = @SQLphD +

    'FROM CTE2

    WHERE Partner = ''' + @ph + '''

    UNION ALL' + CHAR(10)

    -- Partner Credit

    SELECT @SQLphC = @SQLphC

    + ',[' + [PeriodName] +'] = sum(CASE WHEN Period = ' + [id] + ' THEN Credit ELSE 0.0 END)' + CHAR(10)

    FROM (SELECT cast(n AS nvarchar) as id,

    PeriodName = CONVERT(varchar(3), (N*@periodlength)-(@periodlength-1)) + ' - ' + CONVERT(varchar(3), (N*@periodlength))

    FROM dbo.Tally

    WHERE n <= @periodsnumber

    ) d

    ORDER BY cast(id as int)

    SELECT @SQLphC = @SQLphC +

    'FROM CTE2

    WHERE Partner = ''' + @ph + '''

    UNION ALL' + CHAR(10)

    -- Account Debit

    SELECT @SQLacctD = @SQLacctD

    + ',[' + [PeriodName] +'] = sum(CASE WHEN Period = ' + [id] + ' THEN Debit ELSE 0.0 END)' + CHAR(10)

    FROM (SELECT cast(n AS nvarchar) as id,

    PeriodName = CONVERT(varchar(3), (N*@periodlength)-(@periodlength-1)) + ' - ' + CONVERT(varchar(3), (N*@periodlength))

    FROM dbo.Tally

    WHERE n <= @periodsnumber

    ) d

    ORDER BY cast(id as int)

    SELECT @SQLacctD = @SQLacctD +

    'FROM CTE2

    WHERE Account = ''' + @acc + '''

    UNION ALL' + CHAR(10)

    -- Account Credit

    SELECT @SQLacctC = @SQLacctC

    + ',[' + [PeriodName] +'] = sum(CASE WHEN Period = ' + [id] + ' THEN Credit ELSE 0.0 END)' + CHAR(10)

    FROM (SELECT cast(n AS nvarchar) as id,

    PeriodName = CONVERT(varchar(3), (N*@periodlength)-(@periodlength-1)) + ' - ' + CONVERT(varchar(3), (N*@periodlength))

    FROM dbo.Tally

    WHERE n <= @periodsnumber

    ) d

    ORDER BY cast(id as int)

    SELECT @SQLacctC = @SQLacctC +

    'FROM CTE2

    WHERE Account = ''' + @acc + '''' + CHAR(10)

    -- TOTAL

    SELECT @SQLTotal = @SQLTotal

    + ',[' + [PeriodName] +'] = sum([' + [PeriodName] + '])' + CHAR(10)

    FROM (SELECT cast(n AS nvarchar) as id,

    PeriodName = CONVERT(varchar(3), (N*@periodlength)-(@periodlength-1)) + ' - ' + CONVERT(varchar(3), (N*@periodlength))

    FROM dbo.Tally

    WHERE n <= @periodsnumber

    ) d

    ORDER BY cast(id as int)

    SELECT @SQLTotal = @SQLTotal +

    'FROM CTE3' + CHAR(10)

    -- SQL1

    SELECT @SQL1 =



    SELECT Partner, Account, Debit, Credit,

    Period = CASE WHEN CEILING(DATEDIFF(day, CONVERT(datetime, ''' + @startdate + '''), Date)/(' + @periodlength + '*1.0)) =

    DATEDIFF(day, CONVERT(datetime, ''' + @startdate + '''), Date)/(' + @periodlength + '*1.0)

    THEN convert(int, DATEDIFF(day, CONVERT(datetime, ''' + @startdate + '''), Date)/(' + @periodlength + '*1.0) + 1)

    ELSE CEILING(DATEDIFF(day, CONVERT(datetime, ''' + @startdate + '''), Date)/(' + @periodlength + '*1.0))


    FROM SomeTableX

    WHERE Date >= CONVERT(datetime, ''' + @startdate + ''')

    AND Date < DATEADD(day, (' + @periodlength + ' * ' + @periodsnumber + '), CONVERT(datetime, ''' + @startdate + '''))

    ), CTE2 AS


    SELECT Partner, Account, Period, Debit = SUM(Debit), Credit = SUM(Credit)


    GROUP BY Partner, Account, Period


    , CTE3 AS



    -- @SQLphD + @SQLphC + @SQLacctD + @SQLacctC

    SELECT @SQL2 =






    -- @SQLTotal

    EXEC (@SQL1+@SQLphD+@SQLphC+@SQLacctD+@SQLacctC+@SQL2+@SQLTotal)

    Is it possible to add 1 more row (as first one) whch will be something as opening balance?

    For first col it will be sum from database col (let`s say sum from column Credit = '130'). In each next col this Opening Balance should be 'Total' from previous col...

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