Dynamic Columns - Cash Flow problem

  • gah (9/1/2010)

    just a thought....maybe I am missing the point but:

    this is a cashflow forecast right?

    why are you summing all entries?

    surely either a debit or credit should be a negative, dependent upon how you work?

    Not really a forecast. Data is in system. You can just see will it look like.

    Yes one of them is negative but it is only sample data.... not from working system.

    These 4 rows + Sum is OK.

  • irobertson (9/1/2010)

    Jeff Moden (9/1/2010)

    Ooooooo... crud. I'm on my way to work and always miss out on the fun stuff. I'll be watching whoever gets to this one. 😛

    Lol, I'm at work, completing some very important documentation... 😀

    Ah yes, very important documentation indeed. Hence why you're here chiming in! :w00t:

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

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  • Bezan,

    Given that @startdate = '2009-10-28', is Day1 = @startdate, or the following date?

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
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  • How's this? Still needs to be made dynamic; I just want to make sure that it's working correctly first.



    SELECT Partner, Account, Debit, Credit,

    Period = CASE WHEN CEILING(DATEDIFF(day, @startdate, Date)/(@periodlength*1.0)) =

    DATEDIFF(day, @startdate, Date)/(@periodlength*1.0)

    THEN convert(int, DATEDIFF(day, @startdate, Date)/(@periodlength*1.0) + 1)

    ELSE CEILING(DATEDIFF(day, @startdate, Date)/(@periodlength*1.0))


    FROM SomeTableX

    WHERE Date >= @startdate

    AND Date < DATEADD(day, (@periodlength * @periodsnumber), @startdate)

    ), CTE2 AS


    SELECT Partner, Account, Period, Debit = SUM(Debit), Credit = SUM(Credit)


    GROUP BY Partner, Account, Period

    ), CTE3 AS


    SELECT [Classification] = 'Partner Debit',

    [Period 1] = sum(CASE WHEN Period = 1 THEN Debit ELSE 0.0 END),

    [Period 2] = sum(CASE WHEN Period = 2 THEN Debit ELSE 0.0 END),

    [Period 3] = sum(CASE WHEN Period = 3 THEN Debit ELSE 0.0 END),

    [Period 4] = sum(CASE WHEN Period = 4 THEN Debit ELSE 0.0 END),

    [Period 5] = sum(CASE WHEN Period = 5 THEN Debit ELSE 0.0 END)


    WHERE Partner = @ph


    SELECT [Classification] = 'Partner Credit',

    [Period 1] = sum(CASE WHEN Period = 1 THEN Credit ELSE 0.0 END),

    [Period 2] = sum(CASE WHEN Period = 2 THEN Credit ELSE 0.0 END),

    [Period 3] = sum(CASE WHEN Period = 3 THEN Credit ELSE 0.0 END),

    [Period 4] = sum(CASE WHEN Period = 4 THEN Credit ELSE 0.0 END),

    [Period 5] = sum(CASE WHEN Period = 5 THEN Credit ELSE 0.0 END)


    WHERE Partner = @ph


    SELECT [Classification] = 'Account Debit',

    [Period 1] = sum(CASE WHEN Period = 1 THEN Debit ELSE 0.0 END),

    [Period 2] = sum(CASE WHEN Period = 2 THEN Debit ELSE 0.0 END),

    [Period 3] = sum(CASE WHEN Period = 3 THEN Debit ELSE 0.0 END),

    [Period 4] = sum(CASE WHEN Period = 4 THEN Debit ELSE 0.0 END),

    [Period 5] = sum(CASE WHEN Period = 5 THEN Debit ELSE 0.0 END)


    WHERE Account = @acc


    SELECT [Classification] = 'Account Credit',

    [Period 1] = sum(CASE WHEN Period = 1 THEN Credit ELSE 0.0 END),

    [Period 2] = sum(CASE WHEN Period = 2 THEN Credit ELSE 0.0 END),

    [Period 3] = sum(CASE WHEN Period = 3 THEN Credit ELSE 0.0 END),

    [Period 4] = sum(CASE WHEN Period = 4 THEN Credit ELSE 0.0 END),

    [Period 5] = sum(CASE WHEN Period = 5 THEN Credit ELSE 0.0 END)


    WHERE Account = @acc




    SELECT [Classification] = 'Total',

    [Period 1] = sum([Period 1]),

    [Period 2] = sum([Period 2]),

    [Period 3] = sum([Period 3]),

    [Period 4] = sum([Period 4]),

    [Period 5] = sum([Period 5])


    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
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  • WayneS, Result seems to be OK but there are fixed 5 periods and they have to be dynamic. I should be able to exec this with 3 or 20 periods.

    irobertson First part with no errors but second one with following:

    Msg 139, Level 15, State 1, Line 0

    Cannot assign a default value to a local variable.

    Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 39

    Must declare the scalar variable "@i".

    Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 42

    Must declare the scalar variable "@sql_select_list".

    Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 45

    Must declare the scalar variable "@sql_pivot_list".

    Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 48

    Must declare the scalar variable "@i".

    Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 52

    Must declare the scalar variable "@sql_select_list".

    Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 53

    Must declare the scalar variable "@sql_pivot_list".

    Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 56

    Must declare the scalar variable "@sql_select_list".

    Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 57

    Must declare the scalar variable "@sql_pivot_list".

    Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 60

    Must declare the scalar variable "@sql_select_list".

    Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 61

    Must declare the scalar variable "@sql_pivot_list".

  • Bezan (9/1/2010)

    WayneS, Result seems to be OK but there are fixed 5 periods and they have to be dynamic. I should be able to exec this with 3 or 20 periods.

    Yes. That's the next difficult part. Unfortunately, the PIVOT operator also has hard-coded fields, so no matter how it's done, it has to be done with dynamic sql. So, check out the "CrossTabs and Pivots, Part 2" link in my signature - that article covers generating dynamic CrossTab queries. You should be able to handle it from here.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
    For better assistance in answering your questions
    Performance Problems
    Common date/time routines
    Understanding and Using APPLY Part 1 & Part 2

  • very important documentation indeed

    I was going to procrastinate on it, but I think I'll do that tomorrow....

    [drum roll please]


  • This should give you the result you expect. Again, I've split it into two chunks for testing, you'll probably want to combine the two sections into a single procedure.

    Run this first to generate the interim data table:


    @startdate datetime,

    @periodlength int,

    @periodsnumber int,

    @ph nvarchar(3),

    @acc nvarchar(3)

    SET @startdate = '2009-10-28' -- probably will be fixed as today()

    SET @periodlength = 6 -- number of days in each time period - DYNAMIC

    SET @periodsnumber = 10 -- number of periods to be shown - DYNAMIC

    SET @ph = 'PE1' -- Partner code

    SET @acc = '330' -- Account code

    ; with cte as (

    select [Date]





    , (datediff(d,@startdate,[Date]) - (datediff(d,@startdate,[Date]) % @periodlength)) / @periodlength as Period

    from #SomeTableX


    select Period

    , [Partner]

    , [Account]

    , sum(Debit) as Debit

    , sum(Credit) as Credit

    into #interim

    from cte

    where Period < @periodsnumber

    and (

    [Partner] = @ph or [Account] = @acc


    group by Period

    , [Partner]

    , [Account]

    Now run this to output the results:

    -- create a dynamic sql string to pivot the results

    -- declare variables

    declare @sql_main varchar(max)

    , @sql_select_list varchar(max) = ''

    , @sql_pivot_list varchar(max) = ''

    , @sql_sum_list varchar(max) = ''

    , @i int = 0 -- loop counter

    -- next 4 variables are redeclared for testing

    -- won't be required if you're wrapping this into a single stored procedure

    , @periodsnumber int = 10

    , @periodslength int = 6

    , @ph nvarchar(3) = 'PE1'

    , @acc nvarchar(3) = '330'

    -- set the main sql string

    -- note use of placeholders

    set @sql_main =

    '; with cte as (

    select ''Partner'' as [Level], ''Debit'' as Tran_Type, <<select placeholder>>

    from (

    select Period, Debit

    from #interim

    where [Partner] = ''<<partner placeholder>>''

    ) src

    pivot (sum([Debit]) for Period in (<<pivot placeholder>>)) pvt

    union all

    select ''Partner'' as [Level], ''Credit'' as Tran_Type, <<select placeholder>>

    from (

    select Period, Credit

    from #interim

    where [Partner] = ''<<partner placeholder>>''

    ) src

    pivot (sum([Credit]) for Period in (<<pivot placeholder>>)) pvt

    union all

    select ''Account'' as [Level], ''Debit'' as Tran_Type, <<select placeholder>>

    from (

    select Period, Debit

    from #interim

    where [Account] = ''<<account placeholder>>''

    ) src

    pivot (sum([Debit]) for Period in (<<pivot placeholder>>)) pvt

    union all

    select ''Account'' as [Level], ''Credit'' as Tran_Type, <<select placeholder>>

    from (

    select Period, Credit

    from #interim

    where [Account] = ''<<account placeholder>>''

    ) src

    pivot (sum([Credit]) for Period in (<<pivot placeholder>>)) pvt


    select * from cte

    union all

    select ''Total'', ''Total'', <<sum placeholder>>

    from cte'

    -- loop n times adding fields to the output list

    -- and the pivot list

    while @i < @periodsnumber


    -- convert the period numbers into meaningful headers

    set @sql_select_list = @sql_select_list + quotename(cast(@i as varchar)) + ' as [' + cast(1 + (@i * @periodslength) as varchar) + '_to_' + cast((@i * @periodslength) + @periodslength as varchar) + '],'

    -- just add the period numbers to the pivot list

    set @sql_pivot_list = @sql_pivot_list + quotename(cast(@i as varchar)) + ','

    -- add the new field names to the sum list

    set @sql_sum_list = @sql_sum_list + 'sum([' + cast(1 + (@i * @periodslength) as varchar) + '_to_' + cast((@i * @periodslength) + @periodslength as varchar) + ']),'

    -- increment counter

    set @i = @i + 1


    -- trim trailing commas

    set @sql_select_list = left(@sql_select_list,len(@sql_select_list)-1)

    set @sql_pivot_list = left(@sql_pivot_list,len(@sql_pivot_list)-1)

    set @sql_sum_list = left(@sql_sum_list,len(@sql_sum_list)-1)

    -- debug

    print @sql_select_list

    print @sql_pivot_list

    print @sql_sum_list

    -- replace placeholders

    set @sql_main = replace(@sql_main,'<<select placeholder>>',@sql_select_list)

    set @sql_main = replace(@sql_main,'<<pivot placeholder>>',@sql_pivot_list)

    set @sql_main = replace(@sql_main,'<<sum placeholder>>',@sql_sum_list)

    set @sql_main = replace(@sql_main,'<<partner placeholder>>',@ph)

    set @sql_main = replace(@sql_main,'<<account placeholder>>',@acc)

    -- debug

    print @sql_main

    -- execute

    -- NOTE: exec carries security risks

    -- and is best avoided if your procedure

    -- is likely to be exposed to external inputs


    Results for parameters entered above:


    Level Tran_Type 1_to_6 7_to_12 13_to_18 19_to_24 25_to_30 31_to_36 37_to_42 43_to_48 49_to_54 55_to_60

    ------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

    Partner Debit 3.70 4.80 1.80 3.00 2.50 1.40 1.50 3.50 1.90 2.20

    Partner Credit 7.00 8.10 2.90 4.50 4.90 2.60 2.70 5.10 2.30 4.90

    Account Debit 5.00 3.20 1.80 3.00 2.50 1.40 1.50 3.30 1.90 2.20

    Account Credit 9.40 5.40 2.90 4.50 4.90 2.60 2.70 5.70 2.30 4.90

    Total Total 25.10 21.50 9.40 15.00 14.80 8.00 8.40 17.60 8.40 14.20

    (5 row(s) affected)


  • irobertson I still get errors with your code

    Meanwhile I was trying to modify WayneS solution.

    I think it should work but there are still errors. I think there is problem with " ' " in parameters.



    @startdate datetime,

    @periodlength int,

    @periodsnumber int,

    @ph nvarchar(3),

    @acc nvarchar(3)

    SET @startdate = '2009-10-28' -- probably will be fixed as today()

    SET @periodlength = 6 -- number of days in each time period - DYNAMIC

    SET @periodsnumber = 10 -- number of periods to be shown - DYNAMIC

    SET @ph = 'PE1' -- Partner code

    SET @acc = '330' -- Account code

    ; with cte as (

    select [Date]





    , (datediff(d,@startdate,[Date]) - (datediff(d,@startdate,[Date]) % @periodlength)) / @periodlength as Period

    from #SomeTableX


    select Period

    , [Partner]

    , [Account]

    , sum(Debit) as Debit

    , sum(Credit) as Credit

    into #interim

    from cte

    where Period < @periodsnumber

    group by Period

    , [Partner]

    , [Account]

    Than table with numbers (easy to replace with something else later):

    --===== Create and populate the Tally table on the fly

    SELECT TOP 11000 --equates to more than 30 years of dates


    INTO dbo.Tally

    FROM Master.dbo.SysColumns sc1,

    Master.dbo.SysColumns sc2

    --===== Add a Primary Key to maximize performance

    ALTER TABLE dbo.Tally



    --===== Allow the general public to use it


    and my code (with errors :/):


    @startdate nvarchar(10), --cast datetime

    @periodlength nvarchar(20), --cast int

    @periodsnumber nvarchar(20), --cast int

    @ph nvarchar(3),

    @acc nvarchar(3),

    @SQL1 nvarchar(max),

    @SQLphD nvarchar(max),

    @SQLphC nvarchar(max),

    @SQLacctD nvarchar(max),

    @SQLacctC nvarchar(max),

    @SQL2 nvarchar(max),

    @SQLTotal nvarchar(max),

    @i int

    SET @i = 5

    SET @SQLphD = 'SELECT [Classification] = ''Partner Debit''' + CHAR(10)

    SET @SQLphC = 'SELECT [Classification] = ''Partner Credit''' + CHAR(10)

    SET @SQLacctD = 'SELECT [Classification] = ''Account Debit''' + CHAR(10)

    SET @SQLacctC = 'SELECT [Classification] = ''Account Credit''' + CHAR(10)

    SET @SQLTotal = 'SELECT [Classification] = ''Total''' + CHAR(10)

    SET @startdate = '2009-10-28' -- probably will be fixed as today()

    SET @periodlength = 6 -- number of days in each time period - DYNAMIC

    SET @periodsnumber = 10 -- number of periods to be shown - DYNAMIC

    SET @ph = 'PE1' -- Partner code

    SET @acc = '330' -- Account code

    -- Partner Debit

    SELECT @SQLphD = @SQLphD

    + ',[Period ' + [id] +'] = sum(CASE WHEN Period = ' + [id] + ' THEN Debit ELSE 0.0 END)' + CHAR(10)

    FROM (SELECT cast(n AS nvarchar) as id

    FROM dbo.Tally

    WHERE n <= @i

    ) d

    ORDER BY id

    SELECT @SQLphD = @SQLphD +

    'FROM CTE2

    WHERE Partner = ''' + @ph + '''

    UNION ALL' + CHAR(10)

    -- Partner Credit

    SELECT @SQLphC = @SQLphC

    + ',[Period ' + [id] +'] = sum(CASE WHEN Period = ' + [id] + ' THEN Credit ELSE 0.0 END)' + CHAR(10)

    FROM (SELECT cast(n AS nvarchar) as id

    FROM dbo.Tally

    WHERE n <= @i

    ) d

    ORDER BY id

    SELECT @SQLphC = @SQLphC +

    'FROM CTE2

    WHERE Partner = ''' + @ph + '''

    UNION ALL' + CHAR(10)

    -- Account Debit

    SELECT @SQLacctD = @SQLacctD

    + ',[Period ' + [id] +'] = sum(CASE WHEN Period = ' + [id] + ' THEN Debit ELSE 0.0 END)' + CHAR(10)

    FROM (SELECT cast(n AS nvarchar) as id

    FROM dbo.Tally

    WHERE n <= @i

    ) d

    ORDER BY id

    SELECT @SQLacctD = @SQLacctD +

    'FROM CTE2

    WHERE Account = ''' + @acc + '''

    UNION ALL' + CHAR(10)

    -- Account Credit

    SELECT @SQLacctC = @SQLacctC

    + ',[Period ' + [id] +'] = sum(CASE WHEN Period = ' + [id] + ' THEN Credit ELSE 0.0 END)' + CHAR(10)

    FROM (SELECT cast(n AS nvarchar) as id

    FROM dbo.Tally

    WHERE n <= @i

    ) d

    ORDER BY id

    SELECT @SQLacctC = @SQLacctC +

    'FROM CTE2

    WHERE Account = ''' + @acc + '''' + CHAR(10)

    -- TOTAL

    SELECT @SQLTotal = @SQLTotal

    + ',[Period ' + [id] +'] = sum([Period ' + [id] + '])' + CHAR(10)

    FROM (SELECT cast(n AS nvarchar) as id

    FROM dbo.Tally

    WHERE n <= @i

    ) d

    ORDER BY id

    SELECT @SQLTotal = @SQLTotal +

    'FROM CTE3' + CHAR(10)

    -- SQL1

    SELECT @SQL1 =



    SELECT Partner, Account, Debit, Credit,

    Period = CASE WHEN CEILING(DATEDIFF(day, ''' + CONVERT(@startdate, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 23) + ''', Date)/(''' + CAST(@periodlength AS int) + '''*1.0)) =

    DATEDIFF(day, ''' + CAST(@startdate AS datetime) +''', Date)/(''' + CAST(@periodlength AS int) + '''*1.0)

    THEN convert(int, DATEDIFF(day, ''' + CAST(@startdate as datetime) + ''', Date)/(''' + CAST(@periodlength as int) + '''*1.0) + 1)

    ELSE CEILING(DATEDIFF(day, ''' + CAST(@startdate as datetime) + ''', Date)/(''' + CAST(@periodlength as int) + '''*1.0))


    FROM SomeTableX

    WHERE Date >= ''' + CAST(@startdate as datetime) + '''

    AND Date < DATEADD(day, (''' + CAST(@periodlength as int) + ''' * ''' + CAST(@periodsnumber as int) + '''), ''' + CAST(@startdate as datetime) + ''')

    ), CTE2 AS


    SELECT Partner, Account, Period, Debit = SUM(Debit), Credit = SUM(Credit)


    GROUP BY Partner, Account, Period

    ), CTE3 AS



    -- @SQLphD + @SQLphC + @SQLacctD + @SQLacctC

    SELECT @SQL2 =






    -- @SQLTotal

    EXEC (@SQL1+@SQLphD+@SQLphC+@SQLacctD+@SQLacctC+@SQL2+@SQLTotal)

    @i ahould be replaced with @periodsnumber but later... when everything will be ok

  • What errors do you get? Works fine for me?

  • irobertson (9/2/2010)

    What errors do you get? Works fine for me?

    Msg 139, Level 15, State 1, Line 0

    Cannot assign a default value to a local variable.

    Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 66

    Must declare the scalar variable "@i".

    Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 69

    Must declare the scalar variable "@sql_select_list".

    Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 72

    Must declare the scalar variable "@sql_pivot_list".

    Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 75

    Must declare the scalar variable "@sql_sum_list".

    Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 78

    Must declare the scalar variable "@i".

    Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 82

    Must declare the scalar variable "@sql_select_list".

    Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 83

    Must declare the scalar variable "@sql_pivot_list".

    Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 84

    Must declare the scalar variable "@sql_sum_list".

    Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 87

    Must declare the scalar variable "@sql_select_list".

    Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 88

    Must declare the scalar variable "@sql_pivot_list".

    Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 89

    Must declare the scalar variable "@sql_sum_list".

    Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 92

    Must declare the scalar variable "@sql_select_list".

    Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 93

    Must declare the scalar variable "@sql_pivot_list".

    Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 94

    Must declare the scalar variable "@sql_sum_list".

    Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 95

    Must declare the scalar variable "@ph".

    Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 96

    Must declare the scalar variable "@acc".

  • D'uh, you're on 2K5 of course. Can't assign variable values in the declare statement.

    Try this (note not now split into two chunks, so table rewrites every time:

    -- clear temp table

    if isnull(object_id('tempdb..#interim'),0) <> 0


    drop table #interim



    @startdate datetime,

    @periodslength int,

    @periodsnumber int,

    @ph nvarchar(3),

    @acc nvarchar(3)

    SET @startdate = '2009-10-28' -- probably will be fixed as today()

    SET @periodslength = 3 -- number of days in each time period - DYNAMIC

    SET @periodsnumber = 12 -- number of periods to be shown - DYNAMIC

    SET @ph = 'PE1' -- Partner code

    SET @acc = '330' -- Account code

    ; with cte as (

    select [Date]





    , (datediff(d,@startdate,[Date]) - (datediff(d,@startdate,[Date]) % @periodslength)) / @periodslength as Period

    from SomeTableX


    select Period

    , [Partner]

    , [Account]

    , sum(Debit) as Debit

    , sum(Credit) as Credit

    into #interim

    from cte

    where Period < @periodsnumber

    and (

    [Partner] = @ph or [Account] = @acc


    group by Period

    , [Partner]

    , [Account]

    -- create a dynamic sql string to pivot the results

    -- declare variables

    declare @sql_main varchar(max)

    , @sql_select_list varchar(max)

    , @sql_pivot_list varchar(max)

    , @sql_sum_list varchar(max)

    , @i int -- loop counter

    -- set variable values for SQL 2K5

    set @i = 0

    set @sql_select_list = ''

    set @sql_pivot_list = ''

    set @sql_sum_list = ''

    -- set the main sql string

    -- note use of placeholders

    set @sql_main =

    '; with cte as (

    select ''Partner'' as [Level], ''Debit'' as Tran_Type, <<select placeholder>>

    from (

    select Period, Debit

    from #interim

    where [Partner] = ''<<partner placeholder>>''

    ) src

    pivot (sum([Debit]) for Period in (<<pivot placeholder>>)) pvt

    union all

    select ''Partner'' as [Level], ''Credit'' as Tran_Type, <<select placeholder>>

    from (

    select Period, Credit

    from #interim

    where [Partner] = ''<<partner placeholder>>''

    ) src

    pivot (sum([Credit]) for Period in (<<pivot placeholder>>)) pvt

    union all

    select ''Account'' as [Level], ''Debit'' as Tran_Type, <<select placeholder>>

    from (

    select Period, Debit

    from #interim

    where [Account] = ''<<account placeholder>>''

    ) src

    pivot (sum([Debit]) for Period in (<<pivot placeholder>>)) pvt

    union all

    select ''Account'' as [Level], ''Credit'' as Tran_Type, <<select placeholder>>

    from (

    select Period, Credit

    from #interim

    where [Account] = ''<<account placeholder>>''

    ) src

    pivot (sum([Credit]) for Period in (<<pivot placeholder>>)) pvt


    select * from cte

    union all

    select ''Total'', ''Total'', <<sum placeholder>>

    from cte'

    -- loop n times adding fields to the output list

    -- and the pivot list

    while @i < @periodsnumber


    -- convert the period numbers into meaningful headers

    set @sql_select_list = @sql_select_list + quotename(cast(@i as varchar)) + ' as [' + cast(1 + (@i * @periodslength) as varchar) + '_to_' + cast((@i * @periodslength) + @periodslength as varchar) + '],'

    -- just add the period numbers to the pivot list

    set @sql_pivot_list = @sql_pivot_list + quotename(cast(@i as varchar)) + ','

    -- add the new field names to the sum list

    set @sql_sum_list = @sql_sum_list + 'sum([' + cast(1 + (@i * @periodslength) as varchar) + '_to_' + cast((@i * @periodslength) + @periodslength as varchar) + ']),'

    -- increment counter

    set @i = @i + 1


    -- trim trailing commas

    set @sql_select_list = left(@sql_select_list,len(@sql_select_list)-1)

    set @sql_pivot_list = left(@sql_pivot_list,len(@sql_pivot_list)-1)

    set @sql_sum_list = left(@sql_sum_list,len(@sql_sum_list)-1)

    -- debug

    print @sql_select_list

    print @sql_pivot_list

    print @sql_sum_list

    -- replace placeholders

    set @sql_main = replace(@sql_main,'<<select placeholder>>',@sql_select_list)

    set @sql_main = replace(@sql_main,'<<pivot placeholder>>',@sql_pivot_list)

    set @sql_main = replace(@sql_main,'<<sum placeholder>>',@sql_sum_list)

    set @sql_main = replace(@sql_main,'<<partner placeholder>>',@ph)

    set @sql_main = replace(@sql_main,'<<account placeholder>>',@acc)

    -- debug

    print @sql_main

    -- execute

    -- NOTE: exec carries security risks

    -- and is best avoided if your procedure

    -- is likely to be exposed to external inputs


    Although this does give ugly nulls, rather than the nice clean 0 you get with WayneS's solution. Easily handled with isnull in the expression though.

    As an aside, I'd definitely be interested in seeing how the performance matches up on the interim disk write against the nested cte approach.

  • irobertson (9/2/2010)

    Try this (note not now split into two chunks, so table rewrites every time:

    Now it is OK but like for me it is quite complicated. WayneS is simplier and quite easy to understand what is happening in each line.

    Like I said I changed his ver into one with adjustable col amount but still have errors... now only 2 😉


    @startdate nvarchar(10), --cast datetime

    @periodlength nvarchar(20), --cast int

    @periodsnumber nvarchar(20), --cast int

    @ph nvarchar(3),

    @acc nvarchar(3),

    @SQL1 nvarchar(max),

    @SQLphD nvarchar(max),

    @SQLphC nvarchar(max),

    @SQLacctD nvarchar(max),

    @SQLacctC nvarchar(max),

    @SQL2 nvarchar(max),

    @SQLTotal nvarchar(max),

    @i int

    SET @i = 5

    SET @SQLphD = 'SELECT [Classification] = ''Partner Debit''' + CHAR(10)

    SET @SQLphC = 'SELECT [Classification] = ''Partner Credit''' + CHAR(10)

    SET @SQLacctD = 'SELECT [Classification] = ''Account Debit''' + CHAR(10)

    SET @SQLacctC = 'SELECT [Classification] = ''Account Credit''' + CHAR(10)

    SET @SQLTotal = 'SELECT [Classification] = ''Total''' + CHAR(10)

    SET @startdate = '2009-10-28' -- probably will be fixed as today()

    SET @periodlength = 6 -- number of days in each time period - DYNAMIC

    SET @periodsnumber = 10 -- number of periods to be shown - DYNAMIC

    SET @ph = 'PE1' -- Partner code

    SET @acc = '330' -- Account code

    -- Partner Debit

    SELECT @SQLphD = @SQLphD

    + ',[Period ' + [id] +'] = sum(CASE WHEN Period = ' + [id] + ' THEN Debit ELSE 0.0 END)' + CHAR(10)

    FROM (SELECT cast(n AS nvarchar) as id

    FROM dbo.Tally

    WHERE n <= @i

    ) d

    ORDER BY id

    SELECT @SQLphD = @SQLphD +

    'FROM CTE2

    WHERE Partner = ''' + @ph + '''

    UNION ALL' + CHAR(10)

    -- Partner Credit

    SELECT @SQLphC = @SQLphC

    + ',[Period ' + [id] +'] = sum(CASE WHEN Period = ' + [id] + ' THEN Credit ELSE 0.0 END)' + CHAR(10)

    FROM (SELECT cast(n AS nvarchar) as id

    FROM dbo.Tally

    WHERE n <= @i

    ) d

    ORDER BY id

    SELECT @SQLphC = @SQLphC +

    'FROM CTE2

    WHERE Partner = ''' + @ph + '''

    UNION ALL' + CHAR(10)

    -- Account Debit

    SELECT @SQLacctD = @SQLacctD

    + ',[Period ' + [id] +'] = sum(CASE WHEN Period = ' + [id] + ' THEN Debit ELSE 0.0 END)' + CHAR(10)

    FROM (SELECT cast(n AS nvarchar) as id

    FROM dbo.Tally

    WHERE n <= @i

    ) d

    ORDER BY id

    SELECT @SQLacctD = @SQLacctD +

    'FROM CTE2

    WHERE Account = ''' + @acc + '''

    UNION ALL' + CHAR(10)

    -- Account Credit

    SELECT @SQLacctC = @SQLacctC

    + ',[Period ' + [id] +'] = sum(CASE WHEN Period = ' + [id] + ' THEN Credit ELSE 0.0 END)' + CHAR(10)

    FROM (SELECT cast(n AS nvarchar) as id

    FROM dbo.Tally

    WHERE n <= @i

    ) d

    ORDER BY id

    SELECT @SQLacctC = @SQLacctC +

    'FROM CTE2

    WHERE Account = ''' + @acc + '''' + CHAR(10)

    -- TOTAL

    SELECT @SQLTotal = @SQLTotal

    + ',[Period ' + [id] +'] = sum([Period ' + [id] + '])' + CHAR(10)

    FROM (SELECT cast(n AS nvarchar) as id

    FROM dbo.Tally

    WHERE n <= @i

    ) d

    ORDER BY id

    SELECT @SQLTotal = @SQLTotal +

    'FROM CTE3' + CHAR(10)

    -- SQL1

    SELECT @SQL1 =



    SELECT Partner, Account, Debit, Credit,

    Period = CASE WHEN CEILING(DATEDIFF(day, CONVERT(''' + @startdate + ''', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 23), Date)/(' + @periodlength + '*1.0)) =

    DATEDIFF(day, CONVERT(''' + @startdate + ''', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 23), Date)/(' + @periodlength + '*1.0)

    THEN convert(int, DATEDIFF(day, CONVERT(''' + @startdate + ''', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 23), Date)/(' + @periodlength + '*1.0) + 1)

    ELSE CEILING(DATEDIFF(day, CONVERT(''' + @startdate + ''', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 23), Date)/(' + @periodlength + '*1.0))


    FROM SomeTableX

    WHERE Date >= CONVERT(''' + @startdate + ''', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 23)

    AND Date < DATEADD(day, (' + @periodlength + ' * ' + @periodsnumber + '), CONVERT(''' + @startdate + ''', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 23))

    ), CTE2 AS


    SELECT Partner, Account, Period, Debit = SUM(Debit), Credit = SUM(Credit)


    GROUP BY Partner, Account, Period

    ), CTE3 AS



    -- @SQLphD + @SQLphC + @SQLacctD + @SQLacctC

    SELECT @SQL2 =






    -- @SQLTotal

    EXEC (@SQL1+@SQLphD+@SQLphC+@SQLacctD+@SQLacctC+@SQL2+@SQLTotal)

  • No worries, always more than one way to skin a Cat.

    I think one of the problems is the convert function:

    CONVERT('2009-10-28', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 23)

    Usage is

    CONVERT ( data_type [ ( length ) ] , expression [ , style ] )

    changing to

    CONVERT(datetime, '2009-10-28', 23)

    throws an error, but

    CONVERT(datetime, '2009-10-28')


    So, not sure what style 23 is or if it's necessary? Maybe you could try replacing this with a cast?

  • irobertson (9/2/2010)

    As an aside, I'd definitely be interested in seeing how the performance matches up on the interim disk write against the nested cte approach.

    One thing that can be done to improve on my solution, it to take the first 2 CTEs and pump that data into a temp table. Then, the remainder works against that. So, the first two CTEs would end up like this:



    SELECT Partner, Account, Debit, Credit,

    Period = CASE WHEN CEILING(DATEDIFF(day, @startdate, Date)/(@periodlength*1.0)) =

    DATEDIFF(day, @startdate, Date)/(@periodlength*1.0)

    THEN convert(int, DATEDIFF(day, @startdate, Date)/(@periodlength*1.0) + 1)

    ELSE CEILING(DATEDIFF(day, @startdate, Date)/(@periodlength*1.0))


    FROM SomeTableX

    WHERE Date >= @startdate

    AND Date < DATEADD(day, (@periodlength * @periodsnumber), @startdate)

    ), CTE2 AS


    SELECT Partner, Account, Period, Debit = SUM(Debit), Credit = SUM(Credit)


    GROUP BY Partner, Account, Period


    SELECT *

    INTO #temp


    Then, where the rest of the code references CTE2, change CTE2 to #temp.

    Note that none of this gets into the dynamic SQL section, so this will simplify that part of it also.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
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    Common date/time routines
    Understanding and Using APPLY Part 1 & Part 2

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