Duplicate Records

  • Hello

    Am using the following query, which is giving me duplicate records, can anyone please tell me what am doing wrong:

    SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), T_OrderHeader.OrderDate, 106) AS [Order Date], T_OrderHeader.OrderID, T_OrderHeader.CustomerID,

    T_OrderHeader.ShipTitle, T_OrderHeader.ShipForename, T_OrderHeader.ShipSurname, T_OrderHeader.OrderTotal, T_OrderHeader.OrderStatusID,

    CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), T_Payments.ExpiryDate, 106) AS [Expiry Date]

    FROM T_OrderHeader INNER JOIN

    T_Payments ON T_OrderHeader.OrderID = T_Payments.OrderID INNER JOIN

    T_OrderLine ON T_Payments.OrderID = T_OrderLine.OrderID INNER JOIN

    T_Items ON T_OrderLine.StockID = T_Items.StockID

    WHERE (T_Payments.ExpiryDate BETWEEN GETDATE() AND GETDATE() + 30) OR

    (T_OrderHeader.OrderStatusID IN ('E', 'W')) OR

    (T_Items.AvailableLev <= 0)

    ORDER BY T_Payments.ExpiryDate DESC

  • First suspects:

    does a Stock_ID uniquely identify a single row in T_Items?

    Are Payments belonging to a single order only?

    - Regards,


    Andras Belokosztolszki, MCPD, PhD
    GoldenGate Software

  • Thats right

    Payments belong to a single order, with an Order having one or may stockIDs

  • b_boy (8/11/2008)

    Thats right

    Payments belong to a single order, with an Order having one or may stockIDs

    It would probably help us a lot if you could post the primary keys/unique constraints on your four tables ( T_OrderHeader ,T_Payments, T_OrderLine and T_Items)



    Andras Belokosztolszki, MCPD, PhD
    GoldenGate Software

  • These are the primary keys for the tables, and there are no constraints (sounds strange but thats they its set up)

    T_OrderHeader - (PK, int, OrderID)

    T_Payments -(PK, int, OrderID)

    T_OrderLine - (PK, int, OrderID), (PK, int, LineID)

    T_Items - (PK, int, StockID)(FK, int, SupplierID)

  • b_boy (8/11/2008)

    These are the primary keys for the tables, and there are no constraints (sounds strange but thats they its set up)

    T_OrderHeader - (PK, int, OrderID)

    T_Payments -(PK, int, OrderID)

    T_OrderLine - (PK, int, OrderID), (PK, int, LineID)

    T_Items - (PK, int, StockID)(FK, int, SupplierID)

    For every line (LineID) in your order you will get a row in your joined set. You do some tests on them (T_Items.AvailableLev <= 0) but if you have multiple orderlines/items matching the (T_Items.AvailableLev <= 0) condition, you will get multiple lines in your result. Since you do not display any columns from the T_Items table (or the T_Order_Line), you will get duplicates.

    There is a question about the (T_Items.AvailableLev <= 0) check. Do you want all the items in the order to be available? At the moment you are checking whether there is at least one item in the order that is available.



    Andras Belokosztolszki, MCPD, PhD
    GoldenGate Software

  • The T_Items.AvailableLev <= 0 is the field within the table that informs end users of the available stock level “(back orders”- items where there is no stock available for shipping)

    I have modified the query with the following:

    WHERE (T_Payments.ExpiryDate BETWEEN GETDATE() AND GETDATE() + 30)

    AND((T_OrderHeader.OrderStatusID IN ('E', 'W')) OR (T_Items.AvailableLev <= 0))

    But I had to use the distinct keyword before the select word, (which is not what I want)

  • b_boy (8/11/2008)

    The T_Items.AvailableLev <= 0 is the field within the table that informs end users of the available stock level “(back orders”- items where there is no stock available for shipping)

    I have modified the query with the following:

    WHERE (T_Payments.ExpiryDate BETWEEN GETDATE() AND GETDATE() + 30)

    AND((T_OrderHeader.OrderStatusID IN ('E', 'W')) OR (T_Items.AvailableLev <= 0))

    But I had to use the distinct keyword before the select word, (which is not what I want)

    You can move the check to the WHERE clause. So to check availability, instead of using the join with orderlines and items, you change your where clause to include "EXISTS (SELECT ... items that are not in stock) "

    It will probably perform better than the DISTINCT



    Andras Belokosztolszki, MCPD, PhD
    GoldenGate Software

  • Am not very good with subqueries, thats why i tend to avoid it, is there a way you can guide me through?

  • Got IT at last.

    The subquery was far morw efficient than the Join, got more results than expected and there was no duplicate. Oooooooowwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!

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