DTS task returns failure on no records

  • Hi. I followed this great article written by Allan Mitchell http://www.sqlis.com/post/Shredding-a-Recordset.aspx

    The issue I have is if the query below returns no rows the job running the DTS package returns a failure.

    OLE DB Source SQL Command:

    DECLARE @TriggerDate smalldatetime

    SET @TriggerDate = Getdate()+7;

    WITH Test AS





    DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY poi.DueDate ORDER BY po.PurchaseOrderId) AS DR,



    FROM PurchaseOrderItems AS poi

    INNER JOIN PurchaseOrders AS po ON poi.PurchaseOrder = po.PurchaseOrder

    INNER JOIN Suppliers AS S ON po.Supplier = s.Supplier

    WHERE po.SystemType = 'F' AND s.EmailAddress IS NOT NULL AND s.EmailAddress <> ' ' AND poi.DueDate = dateadd(dd, datediff(dd,0,@TriggerDate),0)AND poi.QuantityOutstanding > 0


    SELECT DR,PurchaseOrderId,DueDate,EmailAddress

    FROM Test






    Question:Can I amend the job (or package) so if no rows are returned an email is sent to administrator saying 'DTS Package run, no records returned'.

    Kind Regards,


    A neutron walks into a bar. "I'd like a beer" he says. The bartender promptly serves up a beer. "How much will that be?" asks the neutron. "For you?" replies the bartender, "no charge."

    Two hydrogen atoms walk into a bar. One says, 'I think I've lost an electron.' The other says 'Are you sure?' The first says, 'Yes, I'm positive... '

    Tommy Cooper

  • At what point does it fail? Which component fails, I mean?

    Please post the text of the error message.

    I think you mean SSIS package, rather than DTS, but please confirm.

    Are you using a dataflow at all, or is this all being done at Control Flow level?

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • Hi Phil, yes SSIS (apologies).

    SQL Log:

    Date10/03/2011 22:15:00

    LogJob History (Purchasing Supplier Email)

    Step ID1


    Job NamePurchasing Supplier Email

    Step NameExecute ssis Package


    Sql Severity0

    Sql Message ID0

    Operator Emailed

    Operator Net sent

    Operator Paged

    Retries Attempted0


    Executed as user: Domain\Account. ...-10 22:15:01.84 Source: Send Mail Task The SendMail task is initiated.: 0% complete End Progress Progress: 2011-03-10 22:15:02.24 Source: Send Mail Task The SendMail task is completed.: 100% complete End Progress Progress: 2011-03-10 22:15:02.24 Source: Send Mail Task The SendMail task is initiated.: 0% complete End Progress Error: 2011-03-10 22:15:02.32 Code: 0xC002F304 Source: Send Mail Task Send Mail Task Description: An error occurred with the following error message: "The parameter 'address' cannot be an empty string. Parameter name: address". End Error Progress: 2011-03-10 22:15:02.32 Source: Send Mail Task The SendMail task is completed.: 100% complete End Progress Warning: 2011-03-10 22:15:02.32 Code: 0x80019002 Source: Foreach Loop Container Description: SSIS Warning Code DTS_W_MAXIMUMERRORCOUNTREACHED. The Execution method succeeded, but the... The package execution fa... The step failed.

    Control Flow:

    Data Flow Task

    For Each Loop Container

    Send Mail Task

    Kind Regards,


    A neutron walks into a bar. "I'd like a beer" he says. The bartender promptly serves up a beer. "How much will that be?" asks the neutron. "For you?" replies the bartender, "no charge."

    Two hydrogen atoms walk into a bar. One says, 'I think I've lost an electron.' The other says 'Are you sure?' The first says, 'Yes, I'm positive... '

    Tommy Cooper

  • Looks like everything worked OK apart from Send Mail - and that failed only because of a missing addressee?

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

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