DTS Skipping Last Record Missing {CR}{LF}

  • I am trying to load a text file into a table with multiple records ending with {CR}{LF} except for the last record which ends with nothing.  I used Hex Edit to verify this value is missing. 

    DTS will load all the records but skip this last record.

    Any advice on how to get DTS not to skip this record or add a {CR}{LF} when it is missing? 

    David Bird

  • In an ActiveX Script task, you could open the file as a text stream using the File System Object and read all into a string.  You could then open a new file for writing and apply the contents of that string along with a vbCrLf.

     Dim objFSO

     Dim objSourceFile

     Dim objDestinationFile


     Const ForReading = 1

     Const ForAppending = 2

     Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

     Set objSourceFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("c:\sourcefile.txt", ForReading)

     Set objDestinationFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile("c:\destinationfile.txt", ForAppending)

     Dim strData

     strData = objSourceFile.ReadAll & vbCrLf

     objDestinationFile.Write strData




     Set objSourceFile = Nothing

     Set objDestinationFile = Nothing

     Set objFSO = Nothing

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