DTS, Scheduled jobs error

  • Hello,

    I have several DTS packages which are scheduled as jobs.

    They ran fine for months (years, even).

    This weekend our network moved to another department. I disabled the jobs on Friday, re-enabled on Sunday. On 3 other servers, everything worked as expected (same list jobs, different servers).

    On this one, they have not. When I execute the jobs from the DTS tab, they work. When I Start Job from Jobs, they appear to work: the status goes to Executing Job...., it takes the appropriate amount of time, but at the end, the Status goes to Unknown, the Job History is not available for viewing, the Next Run is correctly set to the next time it should run.

    All the SQL Servers are running under the SQLAgent account, and they're all working, so it's not a permissions thing, I don't think. Besides, there were no real changes to our domain, it was just grafted on to another organization's network.

    Any ideas?




  • This might be a simple thing. I've run into this in the past under identical circumstances. I found that the sqlagent service was not running even though it was set to start automatically. The logon for the service was not set up correctly and it falied because the logon was percieved to be invalid. Check that out first and good luck.

  • Still had the old IP in SQL Client on the machine. D'Oh!

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