DTS Rollback

  • Question. How can I rollback transactions used by DTS job?

    I created a DTS job for a client and it was working fine. It daily transfers data from DOS files into the tables in the new SQL Server database.

    My client altered the DOS file by adding some columns within his system, but did not realize the impact on the DTS package.

    The DTS job failed in that especific table due to the file modifications. The client was concerned about the faliure and couldn't understand why the DTS job was working fine yesterday and today it failed.

    When he checked his data some records were missing some information entered yesterday. The record exists, but some columns they typed had no information after the package failed.

    I did recreate the package and it work fine again, as well as their data was back all right.

    Is there a way I can rollback the failed package so I can get back to the database state before the job failed?

    For data integrity reason, and for my peace of mind, I don't want to miss some data parcially transfered by the package when it failed. Thanks

    Appreaciate your help

  • DTS does support transactions, so provided the OLEDB driver also supports them, you could go down this route and effectively issue a rollback on failure. Alternatively, you could use the meta data services to keep track of when which data was added: it takes a bit of setting up, but can be useful for troubleshooting. You might also want to look at sending DTS errors to a file for analysis and troubleshooting.

    Paul Ibison


    Paul Ibison

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