DTS problem

  • Hi i have a problem in DTS. I want to import multiple files which have same columns( dynamic i.e., total number of files always change from day to day) into a single table in sql server. Can anyone help me to generate a script for this problem

  • File Watcher:


    then union all

    Kindest Regards,

    Seth Washeck

    If nothing in this world satisfies me, perhaps it is because I was made for another world.
    C. S. Lewis

  • what kind of files are they? i do something similiar with text files. i wait for them to be ftp'd from the mainframe and once they are done run the following command:


    master..xp_cmdshell 'COPY \\path\*.txt \\path\All.txt'

    then i load in the all.txt file that has all files in it.

  • They are the text files and the files are dynamic i.e number of files change daya by day.

  • A slightly different approach to handling all of the file manipulation in an Active X Script in the DTS would be to handle it in the stored procedure.  You can set a nice simple loop in the SP to handle all the files.  This way it does not matter if there are three files or thirty files.  You can also check the file size before the DTS loads it in case it is empty.  You will need permission to run the 'xp_CmdShell' SP from the Master DB.

    This is set up for Windows 2003 Server and SQL Server 2000.

    The first step is to find out how many files you have:


    DECLARE @vcText varchar(300),

         @vcFile varchar(80),

        @dFileSize decimal(28,0)


    CREATE TABLE #TmpDirectory (vcLine varchar(120))


    SET @vcText = 'DIR ' + {Full path to files using UNC nomenclature}


    INSERT INTO #TmpDirectory

    EXEC Master..xp_CmdShell @vcText


    DELETE FROM #TmpDirectory

    WHERE vcLine IS NULL

     OR vcLine LIKE '%.Txt'         --replace 'Txt' with what ever file extension you are looking for.

    --2nd Step get file name and size to start the loop process.

    SELECT TOP 1 @vcFile = RTRIM(SUBSTRING(vcLine, 40, 30)),

          @dFileSize = CONVERT(decimal(28,0), REPLACE(SUBSTRING(vcLine, 21, 18), ',', ''))


    WHILE @@ROWCOUNT <> 0          --loop


         IF @dFileSize > 0

         BEGIN                      --Rename file to the name used in the DTS package for loading.

              SET @vcText = 'RENAME {UNC Path}\' + @vcFile + ' Staging.Txt'


              EXEC xp_CmdShell @vcText

                   --Call the DTS Package loading the file

              SET @vcText = 'DTSRUN /S ' + @@SERVERNAME + ' /E /N {DTS Name}'


              EXEC Master..xp_CmdShell @vcText

                     --Move the file to an archive subfolder

              SET @vcText = 'MOVE {UNC Path}\Staging.Txt {UNC Path}\Archive\' + @vcFile


              EXEC Master..xp_CmdShell @vcText


         ELSE           --Move the empty file to the archive subfolder

              SET @vcText = 'MOVE {UNC Path}\' + @vcFile + ' {UNC Path}\Archive\' + @vcFile


              EXEC Master..xp_CmdShell @vcText


                  --Get next file to load in the loop.

         SELECT TOP 1 @vcFile = RTRIM(SUBSTRING(vcLine, 40, 30)),

              @dFileSize = CONVERT(decimal(28,0), REPLACE(SUBSTRING(vcLine, 21, 18), ',', ''))



    This process will handle 0 to as many file as you have space for on the harddrive.  Good luck.


    Dave Novak

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