DTS Performance Issue

  • We have a DTS Packge which upload a .ctt file into the datebase.

    Server Config: 4 Processors (2.8) Ghz

    8GB Ram

    SQL 2K /SP4

    Win 2k3 with SP1

    Page file 4GB in C:\

    RAID 5

    DB Size 7GB

    whenever i upload the file first time it takes 4-5 mins to upload.

    I deleted the records from the table & upload the file 2nd time it takes 8-10 mins

    repeated the same process 3rd time it takes 15 min to upload.

    If we restart the PC & do the same process then 1st time it takes 4-5 mins & 2nd & 3rd time the process time is increasing like above

    Kindest Regards,


  • You might try truncating the table instead of deleting. This could (I stress could, because I'm not 100% sure) give you a pointer as to whether the reload is running into a problem with logs.

    Is it perhaps a big file which is inserting row by row rather than by bulk insert, and hence writing a log for each insert? Delete From will also log the deletes - so perhaps your logs are growing too much. Not sure why a reboot would be helping so perhaps I'm spouting nonsense.

    However, the principles hold - if youhave a big file to upload, try a bulk insert, and if you have a whole table with lots of data to delete and don't care about rollback, identity reseeding etc, use Truncate Table rather than Delete From.

  • Hi,


    How are u uploading the data from file.



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