DTS Packages and UDL Files

  • Hi All,

    I have created a few DTS packages to perform data uploads. We require to programatically change the Destinatio Server so we decided to use UDL (Microsoft Data Link) files. Things seem to work fine until we started using it in a batch command, it seems that the DTS packs caches the connection details, so eventhough we change the destination DB the UDL file, the DTS pack still looks for the old/previous DB.

    Anyone got any clue on how (via osql) we can clear the connection cache so the each time a DTS package is executed, it will read the connection string directly from the UDL file instead of cache.

    This thing is driving me nuts!!!

  • You need to check the box 'Always read properites from UDL file'. If it is unchecked, the information is cached.

    The Users are always right - when I'm not wrong!

  • Hi,

    I have done that, but is still seems to be caching it. The wierd side of all of this is, the first task in the DTS pack uses the correct UDL file (with the correct DB), the second task seems to execute to the incorrect UDL, which points to the wrong DB even though, when you check the UDL file properties, it points to the correct DB.

    When you execute it, the first step is successful then the second fails with an error: "unspecified error".


  • Could you post your DTS to let us take a look? I guess you should turn on execution option "Close connection on completion" in your DTS.

    Hope it help,

    David Zeng

    Kindest Regards,

    David Zeng

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