DTS Packages (Adding failure checks)

  • How comes DTS does not exucute failure packages added to already existing package (execpt adding them at the very end)? I checked the sequence of execution after adding the failure part and it was last in the list (though physically it is not). 

  • It's last in the list, however that's not the execution order.

    It adds components to the list in the order which they were added to the package.

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog http://sirsql.net

  • Thanks Nicholas.

    Is there a way one can add ON FAILURE sub-packages on already existing package and have then Execute when they are supposed to. I tried and mine did not Execute when they were suppposed because they placed down the list. 

  • On failure will execute in the event of a failure, do you have the ON FAILURE workflow going towards the package?

    Be careful not to have multiple on failure workflows to the package, create a copy of the package for each step you want to execute the package for in an on failure workflow

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog http://sirsql.net

  • In the figure attached A,B,F1 and F2 are packages. On s = On Success and On f = On Failure.

    If you build all the packages as shown in the figure below, and Execute them all together, everything works fine. However, if you first build A and B and later on add F1 and F2 (to execute on Failure of A and B respectively), F1 and F2 fails to execute when there is failure in A or B. On checking the sequence of Execution, F1 and F2 are placed after B.

    Is there a way I can incorporate F1 and F2 in the packages without having to redo the everything from fresh? Thanks.

  • I can't see the figure.


    Let's just say though that you have step A and B and you want to add failures...


    A --success--> B

    |                     |

    failure        failure      

    |                     |

    C                Copy of C


    Don't have

    A --success--> B

    |                     |

    failure        failure 

    |                     |


    Shamless self promotion - read my blog http://sirsql.net

  • Correct, I have

    A --success--> B

    |                     |

    failure        failure      

    |                     |

    C                Copy of C

    but if I previously compiled/executed A --Success-->B before adding C and Copy of c,

    on adding C and copy of C, C fails to execute when A fails. Is this a mistake on my side?

    Workflow Properties Precedence of C  shows:

    Source step = A, Precedence = failure and Destination step = C

  • I think that you have set FailOnError or FailPackageOnError of any step to be True.  If FailOnError or FailPackageOnError to be True, the package will stop its execution wherever the error occurs! 

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