DTS Packages

  • Books Online states the following:

    "Each package contains one or more steps that are executed sequentially or in parallel when the package is run. When executed, the package connects to the correct data sources, copies data and database objects, transforms data, and notifies other users or processes of events. Packages can be edited, password protected, scheduled for execution, and retrieved by version."

    I would appreciate if somebody could give me an example of two steps in a DTS package that can run in parallel. Can we say that data transformation and data writes to the destination are examples of processes that run in parallel? Does SQL Server run parallel processes in an interleaved fashion or in a simultaneous fashion?

    Also, please provide an example of a process that may be notified by a DTS package as stated in the books online quote above.

    Last but not least what does the term version mean as identified in bold above. What kind of versions are we talking about, and why do we have such versions?

    Would be very grateful if you replied to the above questions.


  • The tasks run in parallel if they have no dependencies between them. You can add 4 connections with 2 data transform tasks, but no links between them and the 2 data transforms will run in parallel.

    Each time you resave a DTS package after it has been edited, it saves a new "version" in the package. If you right click a package and select "version" you will see the various versions. You can run any of these, but the default is the latest one.

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