DTS Package Help - I'm Stuck!

  • Good day all,

    I am having some issues with a DTS package that I need to get running. We currently have data stored on 2 separate systems - one an RDBMS on NT (not SQL Server) and the other on an AS400. I have to collect data from both locations, do some minor formatting, and save the finished results in a table on our SQL 2000 server. Everything seems to be going fine until:

    We sometimes have a situation where information is duplicated between the NT data and the AS400 data. If there is a duplication, the AS400 data is authortive, otherwise I need to insert the NT data into the finished table. The AS400 data is inserted into the finished table before the NT data. I wrote an ActiveX Script task to make a compaison and insert the data if it was not already in the finished table, but I keep getting a weird SQL error about unterminated quotation marks:

    Error Source: Microsoft OLD DB Provider for SQL Server

    Error Description: Line 1: Incorrect systax near 'Y'.

    Error on Line 57

    Unclosed quotation mark before the character string ')'.

    Line 1: Incorrect systax near 'Y'.

    To figure out if I was doing something wrong with the sript, I took the bulk of the code and tried to perform the same comparison/insert operation from an ASP page ..... and the damn thing worked!?!?!?!

    Any help would be appreciated.

    PS. I will post the offending code following this message.

    Thanks in advance,


  • Code from ASP page:


    On Error Resume Next


    ' Visual Basic ActiveX Script


    Server.ScriptTimeout = 900

    ' These values were copied from the ADOVBS.INC file.

    '---- CursorTypeEnum Values ----

    Const adOpenForwardOnly = 0

    Const adOpenKeyset = 1

    Const adOpenDynamic = 2

    Const adOpenStatic = 3

    '---- CommandTypeEnum Values ----

    Const adCmdUnknown = &H0008

    Const adCmdText = &H0001

    Const adCmdTable = &H0002

    Const adCmdStoredProc = &H0004

    dim countr1, countr2

    ' Instantiate the ADO objects.

    set mySourceConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

    set mySourceRecordset = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

    set myDestRecordset = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

    'Set the connection properties to point to SerialDB.

    'Use the Transition table.

    mySourceConn.Open = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Data Source=(local); Initial Catalog=SerialDB;user id = 'Serialtest';password='password'"

    mySQLCmdText1 = "SELECT * FROM Transition"

    mySQLCmdText2 = "SELECT SerialNumber FROM SerialNumbers"

    'Execute the mySQLCmdText1, and put the data into the mySourceRecordset object.

    mySourceRecordset.Open mySQLCmdText1, mySourceConn, adOpenKeyset

    'Execute the mySQLCmdText2, and put the data into the myDestRecordset object.

    myDestRecordset.Open mySQLCmdText2, mySourceConn, adOpenKeyset

    If mySourceRecordset.RecordCount < 1 Then

    MsgBox " There are no records found. Return a Failure code"

    Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Failure


    For countr1 = 1 to mySourceRecordset.RecordCount

    SourceSerialNumber = mySourceRecordset.Fields.Item("SerialNumber")

    For countr2 = 1 To myDestRecordset.RecordCount

    DestSerialNumber = myDestRecordset.Fields.Item("SerialNumber")

    Select Case SourceSerialNumber

    Case DestSerialNumber


    Case Else

    serial = "'" & mySourceRecordset.Fields.Item("SerialNumber") & "'"

    item = "'" & mySourceRecordset.Fields.Item("ItemNumber") & "'"

    desc = "'" & mySourceRecordset.Fields.Item("ItemDescription") & "'"

    po = "'" & mySourceRecordset.Fields.Item("PONumber") & "'"

    order = "'" & mySourceRecordset.Fields.Item("OrderNumber") & "'"

    ship = "'" & mySourceRecordset.Fields.Item("ShipDate") & "'"

    InsertSQL = "INSERT INTO SerialNumbers VALUES ('" & mySourceRecordset.Fields.Item("SerialNumber") & "','" & CStr(mySourceRecordset.Fields.Item("ItemNumber")) & "','" & CStr(mySourceRecordset.Fields.Item("ItemDescription")) & "','" & mySourceRecordset.Fields.Item("PONumber") & "','" & mySourceRecordset.Fields.Item("OrderNumber") & "','" & mySourceRecordset.Fields.Item("ShipDate") & "')"

    Response.Write InsertSQL & "<br>"

    mySourceConn.Execute InsertSQL


    Exit For

    End Select





    End If


    set myDestRecordset = nothing


    set mySourceRecordset = nothing


    set mySourceConn = nothing



    Thanks in advance,


  • Code from DTS:


    ' Visual Basic ActiveX Script


    Function Main ()

    ' These values were copied from the ADOVBS.INC file.

    '---- CursorTypeEnum Values ----

    Const adOpenForwardOnly = 0

    Const adOpenKeyset = 1

    Const adOpenDynamic = 2

    Const adOpenStatic = 3

    '---- CommandTypeEnum Values ----

    Const adCmdUnknown = &H0008

    Const adCmdText = &H0001

    Const adCmdTable = &H0002

    Const adCmdStoredProc = &H0004

    dim countr1, countr2

    ' Instantiate the ADO objects.

    set mySourceConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

    set mySourceRecordset = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

    set myDestRecordset = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

    'Set the connection properties to point to SerialDB.

    'Use the Transition table.

    mySourceConn.Open = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Data Source=(local); Initial Catalog=SerialDB;user id = 'Serialtest';password='password'"

    mySQLCmdText1 = "SELECT * FROM Transition"

    mySQLCmdText2 = "SELECT SerialNumber FROM SerialNumbers"

    'Execute the mySQLCmdText1, and put the data into the mySourceRecordset object.

    mySourceRecordset.Open mySQLCmdText1, mySourceConn, adOpenKeyset

    'Execute the mySQLCmdText2, and put the data into the myDestRecordset object.

    myDestRecordset.Open mySQLCmdText2, mySourceConn, adOpenKeyset

    If mySourceRecordset.RecordCount < 1 Then

    MsgBox " There are no records found. Return a Failure code"

    Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Failure


    For countr1 = 1 to mySourceRecordset.RecordCount

    SourceSerialNumber = mySourceRecordset.Fields.Item("SerialNumber")

    For countr2 = 1 To myDestRecordset.RecordCount

    DestSerialNumber = myDestRecordset.Fields.Item("SerialNumber")

    Select Case SourceSerialNumber

    Case DestSerialNumber


    Case Else

    serial = "'" & mySourceRecordset.Fields.Item("SerialNumber") & "'"

    item = "'" & mySourceRecordset.Fields.Item("ItemNumber") & "'"

    desc = "'" & mySourceRecordset.Fields.Item("ItemDescription") & "'"

    po = "'" & mySourceRecordset.Fields.Item("PONumber") & "'"

    order = "'" & mySourceRecordset.Fields.Item("OrderNumber") & "'"

    ship = "'" & mySourceRecordset.Fields.Item("ShipDate") & "'"

    InsertSQL = "INSERT INTO SerialNumbers VALUES ('" & mySourceRecordset.Fields.Item("SerialNumber") & "','" & CStr(mySourceRecordset.Fields.Item("ItemNumber")) & "','" & CStr(mySourceRecordset.Fields.Item("ItemDescription")) & "','" & mySourceRecordset.Fields.Item("PONumber") & "','" & mySourceRecordset.Fields.Item("OrderNumber") & "','" & mySourceRecordset.Fields.Item("ShipDate") & "')"

    mySourceConn.Execute InsertSQL


    Exit For

    End Select





    End If


    set myDestRecordset = nothing


    set mySourceRecordset = nothing


    set mySourceConn = nothing


    End Function


    Thanks in advance,


  • First thing I'd do is drop all that scripting.

    Create two staging tables, one for your AS400 data, one for your NT data.

    1) Import your data using a Datapump task into the staging tables.

    2) Delete records from the NT staging table where they exist in the AS400 staging table.

    3) Insert records from your AS400 staging table into the SQL Server destination table.

    4) Insert records from your NT staging table into the SQL Server destination table.

    Steps 2-4 can be done in stored procedures therefore taking advantage of SQL's set based approach.

    Hope this helps

    Phill Carter


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • hi, have not really looked at your scripts, but could it be possible there's an single quote in the data extracted...

    it might be useful if you could response.write or somehow capture the query statement...

  • hi!

    sorry, hadn't time to think it all over, but two things struck me:

    1. don't use "for to recordcount" to iterate through recordsets! use "while not eof", thats more secure!

    2. if you have to use "recordcount" make sure you're using client side cursors, otherwise you'll be dependent of your OLEDB provider, if it support recordcounts on server side cursors.

    3. warning: ADO behaviour has changed from 2.7 on. if not defined differently, it now creates server side cursors. use "connection.cursorlocation = aduseserver".

    best regards,


  • I agree that doing this type of operation in staging tables is a better choice than using scripting. I typically do this in staging tables and then use straight SQL to do the dup check/elimination stuff as well as formatting, cleansing, and any other type of data modification operations.

  • Thanks for the suggestions guys! I am going to try it using staging tables today, I'll let you know hwo it goes!



  • Man, that was soooo much easier using the staging tables and SQL commands to work with the data instead of scripts. I guess I was just looking at the wrong way.

    Thanks again!



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