DTS Package (Excel Transformation)

  • Hi everybody,

    I recently posted a topic about missing values when running a Transform Data Task from Excel into SQL Server.

    I finally found the reason why it's hapenning. My column in Excel is a number field, suppose to be a text field.

    I'm running an automated proccess. The file is being send monthly from the vendor and I do not have control over it.

    How can I programmatically change a datatype of the field in the Excel spreadsheet that is a Source in the DTS package Transform Data Task?

    Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much.



  • Hi,

    This topic has been on the agenda before in this forum. I had the same problem. If numbers and text in a column alters between the rows the format will be set to number if I think the seven first rows are numbers to a number field. This is a MS specification. I save the Excelsheet as a textfile and use DTS textfile import which works fine.

    OR  you can try VB like:

    Dim cnx As ADODB.Connection

    Set cnx = New ADODB.Connection

    Dim cmd As ADODB.Command

    Set cmd = New ADODB.Command

    cnx.Provider = "sqloledb"

    cnx.Properties("Network Library").Value = "DBMSSOCN" 'Remote server

    cnx.Properties("Password").Value = "XXX"

    cnx.Open "Data source=YYY;User ID=ZZZ;Initial Catalog=TEST"

    Set cmd.ActiveConnection = cnx

    cmd.CommandText = "Insert  into test  (value1,value2,text,etc) " & _

    "select *   " & _

    "from OpenRowSet (            " & _

    "'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0'    " & _

    "   , 'Excel 8.0; DATABASE=C:\path\book1.xls;HDR=YES' " & _

    "  , 'select value1,value2,text,etc from [Data$]' )"


    OBS headers in the Excel spredsheet Data


  • Alex,

    This is a bug in DTS.  There is a workaround that my fellow DBA found out on the web.  It has something do changing one of the properties in your connection.  When he gets in, I will ask him for a link to the page describing this issue.


  • You may want to check this MS KB article out.  It *might* help.  By default, the Jet 4.0LEDB Source engine for Excel only scans the first 8 rows of a spreadsheet to determine the type/length of a column.  If you edit the registry you can change that.
    "The valid range of values for the TypeGuessRows key is 0 to 16. However, if the value is 0, the number of source rows scanned is 16384. Keep in mind that a value of zero may cause a small performance hit if the source file is very large."
  • Guys,

    If I'm saving my excel spreadsheet in a comma delimited format and then processing it as a text file in the package it works fine.

    But when I'm trying to save the file in the Active Script task I cannot assign the comma delimited format to it.

    This is a line of the code:

    oXLSWorkbook.SaveAS "C:\blabla.csv"

    How I can do that programmatically? Are there any parameters for the comma delimited format?

    I could not find the answer Online.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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