DTS Package Documentation

  • Does anyone hae a 'Best Practice' on how to document a DTS Package? I would like to, for review purposes with a group, have a hard copy of the package, and all the steps within it. Is there a toll that will do this for me, so I don't have to go into each step and manually copy the contents and print it?




  • I don't know if there are any tools out there or not, but I find the best way is to implement a 'use case'. This is a UML concept that is not only good for documenting, but also for designing dts packages.

    My use case includes all steps in the package and what to do on failure in each step. It makes it a lot easier to follow the logic.

    I back this up with a screenshot of the dts package. I make sure that I include a lot of visual details in my packages. I divide the dts screen into squares and put comments in each box with a task in it etc. If I use any global variables or specify any settings in an ini files, I include this as text within the package.

    Unfortunatley, this is all manual work. However, it will make you look at your packages and probably spot some errors in logic along the way.



    The Users are always right - when I'm not wrong!

  • I have written a VB.Net application that will read in selected DTS packages from the SQL Repository and extract all important information: i.e. Connection objects, Tasks, Steps and any Active-X scripts into a HTML window.  If your Active-x script is written in VBScript, it will provide line numbers and color coding as Visual Studio does for Strings, Keyword and Constants... etc...

    If you would like to try it out, send me an email at mgercevich_nospam_@gmail.com  (remove '_nospam_')

    Here is an example of the output from a simple package:

    -Michael T. Gercevich


    DTS Package Export

    Export Date  : 4/21/2005 9:28:31 AM

    Prepared By  : DTS Package Exporter, Michael T. Gercevich


    Package Name : BRS Daily Import

    Server Name  : (local)

    Description  : Daily BRS/DRC Order Processing Routines - Parent Package

    Package ID   : {1A7BE362-3F69-4661-AAFB-BFB3F08F30F9}

    Version ID   : {4A4EC72B-D45B-4F69-996F-D1064EA4A11B}

    Create Date  : 1/15/2005 11:01:10 AM

    Owner        : FFHQ\xxxxxx



    === Connection Details:


       Connection 1: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server


            Provider   : SQLOLEDB

            Catalog    : XYZ

            Data Source: (local)

            Trusted Con: True


    === Step OverView:


       Step 1: DTSStep_DTSActiveScriptTask_CodeLibrary

                Description: CodeLibrary

                Enabled    : False

                HasWorkflow: False

                Task Name  : DTSTask_DTSActiveScriptTask_CodeLibrary

                Step Precedence:

                    [No Predecesors]

       Step 2: DTSStep_DTSActiveScriptTask_GlobalInitialize

                Description: GlobalInitialize

                Enabled    : True

                HasWorkflow: False

                Task Name  : DTSTask_DTSActiveScriptTask_GlobalInitialize

                Step Precedence:

                    [No Predecesors]

       Step 3: DTSStep_DTSActiveScriptTask_DRCImportPackage

                Description: DRCImportPackage

                Enabled    : True

                HasWorkflow: False

                Task Name  : DTSTask_DTSActiveScriptTask_DRCImportPackage

                Step Precedence:

                    Predecessor: DTSStep_DTSActiveScriptTask_GlobalInitialize

                    Basis      : On Success

                    Step       : DTSStep_DTSActiveScriptTask_DRCImportPackage

       Step 4: DTSStep_DTSActiveScriptTask_ImportPackage

                Description: ImportPackage

                Enabled    : True

                HasWorkflow: False

                Task Name  : DTSTask_DTSActiveScriptTask_ImportPackage

                Step Precedence:

                    Predecessor: DTSStep_DTSActiveScriptTask_DRCImportPackage

                    Basis      : On Success

                    Step       : DTSStep_DTSActiveScriptTask_ImportPackage

       Step 5: DTSStep_DTSActiveScriptTask_MovePendingErrorPackage

                Description: MovePendingErrorPackage

                Enabled    : True

                HasWorkflow: False

                Task Name  : DTSTask_DTSActiveScriptTask_MovePendingErrorPackage

                Step Precedence:

                    Predecessor: DTSStep_DTSActiveScriptTask_ImportPackage

                    Basis      : On Success

                    Step       : DTSStep_DTSActiveScriptTask_MovePendingErrorPackage


    === Step Details:



    StepName       : DTSStep_DTSActiveScriptTask_CodeLibrary

    Description    : CodeLibrary

    WorkFlow Script:

         [No WorkFlow Script]

    TaskName       : DTSTask_DTSActiveScriptTask_CodeLibrary

    Description    : CodeLibrary

    Task ID        : DTSActiveScriptTask

    Active-X Task Script: **************************

    00001     '**********************************************************************

    00002     '  Visual Basic ActiveX Script

    00003     '************************************************************************


    00005     Function Main()

    00006         Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    00007     End Function




    StepName       : DTSStep_DTSActiveScriptTask_GlobalInitialize

    Description    : GlobalInitialize

    WorkFlow Script:

         [No WorkFlow Script]

    TaskName       : DTSTask_DTSActiveScriptTask_GlobalInitialize

    Description    : GlobalInitialize

    Task ID        : DTSActiveScriptTask

    Active-X Task Script: **************************

    00001     ' GlobalInitialize - Task Script

    00002     '    To be included as first step in all DTS Packages

    00003     '

    00004     ' Description:

    00005     '    Load Global Variables from SQL Table [XYZ].[DTSGlobalVariables]

    00006     '    

    00007     ' Author : Mike Gercevich

    00008     ' Date    : 03/19/2004

    00009     ' Version: Initial Release

    00010     ' Revisions:

    00011     '    

    00012     '************************************************************************

    00013     OPTION EXPLICIT

    00014     Const adCmdStoredProc = &H0004


    00016     Function Main()


    00018     DTSGlobalVariables("gvCodeLibraryObject").Value = ""

    00019     DTSGlobalVariables("gvCodeLibraryFile").Value = "not defined"


    00021     '*** Search for CodeLibrary Step and Disable Step

    00022     '***    Create the DTSGlobalVariable Pointer to CodeLibrary CustomTasks.

    00023     '***    Clear the ActiveXScript Contents.

    00024     '***

    00025         Dim glb_objPackage

    00026         Dim glb_objCodeLibStep

    00027         Dim glb_objCodeLibTask

    00028         Dim glb_objCodeLibScript

    00029         Set glb_objPackage = DTSGlobalVariables.Parent

    00030         If IsObject( glb_objPackage.Steps( "DTSStep_DTSActiveScriptTask_CodeLibrary" ) ) Then

    00031             '*** Disable the CodeLibrary Step

    00032             glb_objPackage.Steps( "DTSStep_DTSActiveScriptTask_CodeLibrary" ).DisableStep = -1

    00033             If IsObject( glb_objPackage.Tasks( "DTSTask_DTSActiveScriptTask_CodeLibrary" ) ) Then


    [>>>>> CUT >>>>>>>]

  • Like with any documentation, it's only as good as it is updated. Knowing this, I don't require separate documentation, I have the programmers who write them, document it through comments. Things I make them do are:

    1) Notation on who wrote it, when, and why.

    2) Brief description what it does.

    3) If the package is fairly complicated I have them insert comments throughout each step so that it's fairly easy to figure out the flow.

    4) I setup the logging on it and make sure that the connections point to the correct SQL server, any outside files it is importing or exporting are connectec via a UNC path.

    Is it a perfect science? No, but usually it's good enough documentation that allows a user -- at a glance -- to see what the purpose of the package. Usually that is the most important part anyway -- at least in our company it is.

    As a side note, a developer in our dept. wrote a .NET package that allows us to go in and do searches through the DTS's. This has proven to be a very helpful tool. I'm so surprised that something like this hasn't been written by a 3rd party.

  • I am about to document a series of DTS scripts generated from a Cognos consultant. I am principally a .net developer and would appreciate any links to code on the net that would help me create my own DTS documentation application.

    Any code snippets you have would also be very much appreciated.

    PLease either post the links or send them to sore_ronREMOVE@hotmail.com.

    (delete REMOVE )



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