DTS Issue

  • we generate lot of files everyday

    in some files we have some format like



    Trailer ...


    the file generates with header.. or trailer.. in between the Body .. through sql server DTS

    iam not able to figure out how this happens , Any thoughts or Ideas are welcomed

  • Are these files created by DTS packages or do you want to import the files into SQL Server? Could you post a sample of the data?


  • yes these files are genterated by DTS package to a .txt file

    it is generating the file from one table with two column's in it

    in that one column is a identity and the other is varchar with size of 8000

    all we do in the dts is just one single query

    select column2 from table

    and the data is something like this

    FileDate 1/7/2008




    employe recordcount 2|

  • Look at the properties of the text file destination connection in the DTS package. If it has "First row has column names" checked, it will output a header row containing the column names.

    As for the trailing record count, I'd say look for a Transform Data task that is writing that to the file. It might not be the same task that is exporting the data.


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