DTS Install

  • I have to install a saved package on another server, but in the DTS Designer there are no tasks or connection information. Which concludes for me that DTS development tools was not preoperly installed.

    From the CD what do I need to run to install the DTS designer in full?



  • If you want to have DTS from one server to another....

    1. Open the DTS Package which you want to save it different server

    2. In the "Package" menu...you will find and option for "Save AS"

    3. If you choose that option it will open a window in you you can specify the new server name where you want to save this DTS.

    Hope this help!!!


  • Thamks for the reply but thats not it.

    I know the way to save the file from server to the next.

    My issue is that because when I go into the task file in the DTS Deswigner under the Connections and Tasks menu I have no tasks to pick from or any connection types to choose from.

    I found an article on Microsifts site that says SP3 can cause this problem,

    I found another posting somewhere that says if you install an instance in sql server it should fix the dts designer issue.

    Have not tried yet


  • Is the package going from SQL7 to SQL2000?  I've had conversion issues before when trying to design a package on SQL7 and moving to SQL2000 and vice versa.

  • There are no provision provided by the Designer to install or deploy the packages on another server. While running the following script make sure the .dts resides on the same directory and you have administrative privileges and you are the part of user in msdb.

    Here is the VBScript to do it.

    Option Explicit

    ' Deploys the dts packages


    Sub Main()

    If Wscript.Arguments.Count = 0 Then

        CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Popup "Pass this script the name of the server name on which the DTS Package has to be installed", 10

        Wscript.Quit 1

    End If

    Dim oDTSPackage

    Set oDTSPackage = CreateObject("DTS.Package")


    oDTSPackage.LoadFromStorageFile "YourPackage.dts", ""

    oDTSPackage.SaveToSQLServer Wscript.Arguments(0), , , 256

    WScript.Echo oDTSPackage.Name & " package installed on the target servers"

    oDTSPackage.FailOnError = True


    Set oDTSPackage = Nothing

    End Sub

  • I am the administrator on the machine but the funny thing is I cant even create a new one from scratch let alone open a saved one.

    I first instinct was I dont have administrative priveleges. But thats was not it.

    Im going to try installing a new instance on the server. Maybe doing that will reregister all the dll that got de-registered.





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