DTS import text files with special characters as row/column delimiters

  • In SQL Server 2000, I need to import several delimited ascii text files from a vendor.  These files are created with a column delimiter of chr(1) and a row delimiter of chr(2).  Is there any way to enter these values in the DTS data import wizard delimiter values (I tried 01 and 02, but this did not work), or do I need to do something special? 


  • You can't do it from the wizard, that I know of.  What you could do is save what you have from the wizard as a DTS, then go to the saved DTS and edit and add the values.

  • If you haven't already solved this, check out BULK INSERT and bcp in BOL and on this site.  You should be able to specify the column and row delimiters in a bcp format file that will do the job for you.

    Luck, Dave

    There is no "i" in team, but idiot has two.

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