DTS import Failed Out of Memory for Query Result

  • Hi all,

    I'm trying to do data migration from Postgres to SQL Server 2000. One particular table import failed with “Out of Memory fir Query Result” error. This particular table go around 8 million records.

    How can I fix this error and import data successfully.





  • Hi Aranga,

    I'm not an Postgre guy but this error comes up due to the entire set of records trying to get loaded onto memory. try considering breaking up the transfer into smaller data sets.


    Gogula Aryalingam


  • Hi,

    Another thing that I would like to add is that this is not a server-side error. It's an error caused on the client side when the client tries to load all the data at one go (maybe onto limited memory)


    Gogula Aryalingam


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