September 24, 2003 at 10:11 pm
I am trying to put the ftp task on the end of my DTS package, and transfer a file from the local hard drive to a remote ftp. But by the looks of it, you can only set the destination as a local hard drive? Is there any way of setting the destination as an external ftp site?
Thanks in advance!
Cyrus Bharda
September 25, 2003 at 4:35 pm
This will do it: (Thanks again to EDK89 - This was a big help to me-the only change I recall making was to add the @servername since I was using a named instance).
/* From
Starting Member
2 Posts Posted - 12/09/2002 : 3:33:51 PM
Here is a stored procedure to ftp files using SQL Server stored procedure:
USE Tempdb
-- creating the store procedure for FTP
FROM sysobjects
WHERE name = N'up_FTPPushFile'
AND type = 'P')
Create proc up_FTPPushFile
@file_to_push varchar(355),
@ftp_to_server varchar(355),
@ftp_login varchar(255),
@ftp_pwd varchar(255)
Set Nocount On
--STEP 0
--Ensure we can find the file we want to send.
Create table #FileExists (FileExists int, FileIsDir int, ParentDirExists int)
Insert #FileExists EXEC master.dbo.xp_fileexist @file_to_push
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM #FileExists WHERE FileExists = 1)
Drop table #FileExists
RAISERROR ('File %s does not exist. FTP process aborted.', 16, 1, @file_to_push)
--STEP 1
--Create xxx.bat batch file using bcp utility, file path/name is the same as @file_to_push
--batch file will hold 4 records:
--1) login
--2) password
--3) ftp command and file to push
--4) exit command
declare @sql varchar(455), @cmd varchar(355), @batch_ftp varchar(355), @ret int
declare @servername varchar(50)
set @servername = @@servername
set @sql = '"SELECT ftp_batch FROM ##temp_ftp_bat WHERE file_to_push = '''+ @file_to_push+'''"'
set @batch_ftp = Left(@file_to_push, Len(@file_to_push)-4) +'.bat'
set @cmd = 'BCP '+ @sql +' queryout '+ @batch_ftp +' /S '+ @servername + ' /T /c'
Create table ##temp_ftp_bat(ftp_batch varchar(355), file_to_push varchar(355))
Insert into ##temp_ftp_bat values (@ftp_login, @file_to_push)
Insert into ##temp_ftp_bat values (@ftp_pwd, @file_to_push)
Insert into ##temp_ftp_bat values ('put '+@file_to_push, @file_to_push)
Insert into ##temp_ftp_bat values ('bye', @file_to_push)
EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @cmd
Drop table ##temp_ftp_bat
--STEP 2
--Ensure we can find the batch file we just created.
Delete #FileExists
Insert #FileExists EXEC master.dbo.xp_fileexist @batch_ftp
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM #FileExists WHERE FileExists = 1)
Drop table #FileExists
RAISERROR ('Unable to create FTP batch file %s. FTP process aborted.', 16, 1, @batch_ftp)
Drop table #FileExists
--STEP 3
--Execute newly created .bat file, save results of execution
Create table #temp_ftp_results (ftp_output varchar(355))
set @cmd = 'ftp -s:'+@batch_ftp+' '+@ftp_to_server
Insert #temp_ftp_results Exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @cmd
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM #temp_ftp_results WHERE (ftp_output like '%Login failed%' or ftp_output like '%Access is denied%'))
Drop table #temp_ftp_results
RAISERROR ('Unable to FTP file %s. Login failed or access denied. FTP process aborted.', 16, 1, @file_to_push)
Drop table #temp_ftp_results
--STEP 3
--delete batch file
set @cmd = 'del '+@batch_ftp
EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @cmd
September 25, 2003 at 6:08 pm
As you're already utilising DTS, why not use an ActiveXscript task to perform the transfer? Or, even do as the above post from BillNye101 does, create a short batch file on the fly then have an ExecuteProcess task to run the batch file.
I'd prefer to use the first method because you can do everything in the one step.
Hope this helps
Phill Carter
Colt 45 - the original point and click interface
Colt 45 - the original point and click interface
September 25, 2003 at 6:18 pm
Wow, great thanks for the help, only problem is that I am a noob and have no idea exactly what I am looking at for that script above, still trying to make sence of it 🙂 but at least now I have something to try to get working 🙂
I just thought the ftp task should be able to send and receive from a remote ftp, not just recieve, but then again, that would make it usefull 🙂
Thanks a lot for the help muchly appreciated!!
Cyrus Bharda
September 26, 2003 at 12:22 pm
Perhaps this will help a little more.
Just run the code above to create the ftp proc (heck, I don't claim to understand all the details anymore than I know how the electrons are running through my cpu, but I know it works ). Then to ftp use:
exec up_FTPPushfile 'C:\ftpfile.ext', '', 'username', 'password'
I agree; you'd think the FTP task would export as well as import - maybe in the next version.
Phill, not that I want to change something that is working smoothly for me, but I am curious as to how your ActiveX works. Is it small enough that you could post an example?
September 28, 2003 at 5:37 pm
The ActiveX script is similar to the T-SQL solution you provided. It builds a list of ftp commands in a file and executes the ftp program with the -s option.
I'm working on setting up a stand-alone package that you can pass parameters to. Sort of like a custom task, but without the hassles of registering an extra component on the server. The infrastructure support guys get a bit funny about putting any extra dll's on the server
Hope this helps
Phill Carter
Colt 45 - the original point and click interface
Colt 45 - the original point and click interface
September 28, 2003 at 8:55 pm
Well ran the script and it executed fine, so I then tried this:
exec up_FTPPushfile '\\serevr\directory\blah.csv', '', 'username', 'password'
and got this error:
Server: Msg 50000, Level 16, State 1, Procedure up_FTPPushFile, Line 45
Unable to create FTP batch file \\serevr\directory\blah.bat. FTP process aborted.
Which I dont really understand? What's going on, why is it trying to make a bat file?
Thanks again for your help, muchly appreciated!
Cyrus Bharda
September 28, 2003 at 8:56 pm
Oh and might there be a way of specifying a directory to upload to on the ftp?
Cyrus Bharda
September 28, 2003 at 9:09 pm
The error message is referring to the section of the procedure where it checks for the ftp batch file that it creates. Try using a local path & directory instead of the UNC path. eg: C:\Temp\...
Also, you can specify the directory on the FTP server. You'll need to add in a line to change to the required directory. Before the line that reads,
Insert into ##temp_ftp_bat values ('put '...
Insert a new line add put in,
Insert into ##temp_ftp_bat values ('cwd <insert your directory>'
Hope this helps
Phill Carter
Colt 45 - the original point and click interface
Colt 45 - the original point and click interface
September 28, 2003 at 9:31 pm
Yeah it does help if I have shared the bloody directory, <bonks self>.
Well, it worked great, but when I added in the line to specify the directory like so:
Insert into ##temp_ftp_bat values ('cwd blah')
I got this:
Server: Msg 213, Level 16, State 4, Procedure up_FTPPushFile, Line 34
Insert Error: Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition.
So do I need to add something to a table somewhere?
Thanks a lot Bill and Phill for helping me out!!
Cyrus Bharda
September 28, 2003 at 9:36 pm
Sorry, didn't see that there was more than one column in the temp table.
Your CWD line should read,
Insert into ##temp_ftp_bat values ('cwd <insert your directory>', @file_to_push)
Hope this helps
Phill Carter
Colt 45 - the original point and click interface
Colt 45 - the original point and click interface
September 28, 2003 at 9:54 pm
OK well it's executing fine, but still not changing the directory. This is what I tried:
Insert into ##temp_ftp_bat values ('cwd blah', @file_to_push)
Insert into ##temp_ftp_bat values ('cwd /blah', @file_to_push)
Insert into ##temp_ftp_bat values ('cwd \blah', @file_to_push)
Insert into ##temp_ftp_bat values ('cd exports', @file_to_push)
Insert into ##temp_ftp_bat values ('cd \exports', @file_to_push)
Insert into ##temp_ftp_bat values ('cd /exports', @file_to_push)
None worked, the file still got uploaded, but only to the root directory. It must be just the wrong command or the command is not working because the file gets uploaded, just not to the right directory.
Thanks yet again for the speedy responces!!
Cyrus Bharda
September 28, 2003 at 9:58 pm
Oh and before I go sticking my foot into my mouth again, both directories that I tried (blah & exports) both exist and have 750 permissions on them so this time I dont think it's a permissons problem, I hope 🙂
Cyrus Bharda
September 28, 2003 at 10:29 pm
Can you post the contents of the batch file?
Hope this helps
Phill Carter
Colt 45 - the original point and click interface
Colt 45 - the original point and click interface
September 29, 2003 at 6:32 pm
Phil, thanks for the info on the ActiveX. Now that I've spent a little more time looking at ftp commands, I understand better.
Here is what the batch file looks like:
put c:\filename
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