DTS execute and send e-mail problem

  • I have this code:


    '  Visual Basic ActiveX Script


    Function Main()

         On Error Resume Next

         Dim objSendMail

         Set objSendMail = CreateObject("CDO.Message")



        objSendMail.To = "me.com"

        objSendMail.AddAttachment  "C:\Temp_error.xls"

        objSendMail.Subject = "LD_Anomally_Report"

        objSendMail.TextBody = "Excel Spreedsheet"


        'Set objSendMail = nothing

         if err.count = 0 then

            Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success


            Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Failure

         end if

    End Function

    it give an error saying  Function Not Found....   any ideas ??   thanks



  • There are lots of other ways also to send email...

    Since you have tried CDO Messaging.....try this...

    try creating this store procedure and see....

    CREATE PROCEDURE send_cdomail

    @From           varchar(100),

    @To           varchar(100),

    @cc          varchar(50),

    @Subject      varchar(100),

    @Body           varchar(4000),

    @Attachment     varchar(150)


    DECLARE @iMsg int,

    @Att_Methode_Object     varchar(50)

    SET @Att_Methode_Object = 'AddAttachment ' + '("' + @Attachment + '")'

    EXEC sp_OACreate      'CDO.Message', @iMsg OUT

    EXEC sp_OASetProperty      @iMsg, 'Configuration(cdoSendUsingMethod)', 2 -- use remote SMTP server

    EXEC sp_OASetProperty      @iMsg, 'Configuration(cdoSMTPServerName)', 'CINMLVEM08' -- name of your SMTP mail server

    EXEC sp_OASetProperty      @iMsg, 'Configuration(cdoSMTPConnectionTimeout)', 10

    EXEC sp_OAMethod      @iMsg, 'Configuration.Fields.Update', null

    EXEC sp_OASetProperty      @iMsg, 'To', @To

    EXEC sp_OASetProperty      @iMsg, 'From', @From

    EXEC sp_OASetProperty      @iMsg, 'Subject', @Subject

    EXEC sp_OASetProperty      @iMsg, 'HTMLBody', @Body

    EXEC sp_OAMethod      @iMsg, @Att_Methode_Object

    EXEC sp_OAMethod      @iMsg, 'Send', NULL

    EXEC sp_OADestroy      @iMsg


    create a connection object...

    set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

    conn.Open = "Provider='SQLOLEDB';Data Source='ServerName';Initial Catalog='DatabaseName';Integrated Security='SSPI';"

    Using that connection execute this store Procedure and send the email

    strEmail = "send_cdomail @From = '" & strFROM & "', @To =  '" & strTO & "', @cc =  '" & strCC & "', @Subject = '" & strSubject & "', @Body = '" & strBody & "' , @Attachment = '" & strAttachment &"'"

            connTransData.Execute strEmail

    Hope this helps!!!

  • Hi I did this way:

    CREATE PROCEDURE send_cdomail


    declare @From varchar(100)

    declare @to varchar(100)

    declare @cc varchar(50)

    declare @Subject varchar(100)

    declare @Body varchar(500)

    declare @Attachment varchar(150)

    DECLARE @iMsg int,

    @Att_Methode_Object     varchar(50)

    SET @Att_Methode_Object = 'AddAttachment ' + '("' + @Attachment + '")'

    select @From = 'sql_agent@mtnsat.com'

    select @to = 'Nelson.Viggiani@mtnsat.com'

    select @Subject ='LD Anomaly Report LINK'

    select @Body ='\\mirfnp01\common\circuits\temp_error.xls'

    EXEC sp_OACreate      'CDO.Message', @iMsg OUT

    EXEC sp_OASetProperty      @iMsg, 'Configuration(cdoSendUsingMethod)', 2

    EXEC sp_OASetProperty      @iMsg, 'Configuration(cdoSMTPServerName)', ''

    EXEC sp_OASetProperty      @iMsg, 'Configuration(cdoSMTPConnectionTimeout)', 30

    EXEC sp_OAMethod      @iMsg, 'Configuration.Fields.Update', null

    EXEC sp_OASetProperty      @iMsg, 'To', @To

    EXEC sp_OASetProperty      @iMsg, 'From', @From

    EXEC sp_OASetProperty      @iMsg, 'Subject', @Subject

    EXEC sp_OASetProperty      @iMsg, 'HTMLBody', @Body

    EXEC sp_OAMethod      @iMsg, @Att_Methode_Object

    EXEC sp_OAMethod      @iMsg, 'Send', NULL

    EXEC sp_OADestroy      @iMsg


    execute send_cdomail

    The command(s) completed successfully.   BUT NO EMAIL

  • Check the settings in the email program on your PC to see if the smtp you specified needs 'Authentication' (ie a user ID and password). If so, I think you have to add:

    EXEC sp_OASetProperty      @iMsg, 'Configuration(cdosmtpauthenticate)', 2

    EXEC sp_OASetProperty      @iMsg, 'Configuration(cdosendusername)', 'CorrectUserName'

    EXEC sp_OASetProperty      @iMsg, 'Configuration(cdosendpassword)', 'CorrectPassword'

    I am not sure about the correct name of the constants as I use the values directly. 

    I also have the following variation:

    EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @iMsg, 'TextBody', @Body

    EXEC @hr = sp_OAMethod @iMsg, 'AddAttachment', NULL, @Attachment

    Where @attachment is the parameter passed to the proc.

    Hope this helps



  • Thanks for the Tip but I add those 3 lines to the code

    and it execute sucessfully BUT STILL NO E-MAIL

    the e-mail application is outlook



  • Try executing the stored procedure directly from SQLServer, in Query Analyser. The procedure uses CDO that comes with IIS, which is automatically installed with SQLServer. Check that CDO hasn't been disabled on your server (I am not sure how, but I expect the procedure would raise an error creating the CDO object)

    Your SQLServer server needs to have access to the smtp server across the network. There might be a firewall in between. Try pinging the smtp server from a DOS session on the SQLServer server.

    Make sure both your 'To' and 'From' address are valid email addresses. This is important if you have an Exchange server.

    Check with your Outlook support team to see if there is some email checking software running that Quarantines/deletes suspect emails. If so check that your subject line/ email body would not get blocked.

    Hope this helps


  • Yes I can ping the server form SqlServer

    I'm getting this error now:

    Active X scripting function not found:

    Multiple step OLE DB operation generated errors.Check each OLEDB status value,if available



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