DTS Error

  • This is my first DTS package.  The Stored Procedure parsed correctly but when I try to put in DTS (so I can ftp the output) I receive the following error message.  Please help.

    Error:  Context:  Error calling GetColumnInfo.  Your provider does not support all the interfaces/methods required by DTS.

    After some reading, I added the dbname.dbo in front of all tables on FROM and UPDATE stmts but still received the same error.



    @seqnum int,

    @student_id int,

    @err varchar (256),

    @student_bal money,

    @facstaff_id int,

    @facstaff_bal money,

    @dt DATETIME,           --Get current date

    @dt2 VARCHAR (10),       --Format current date as mmddyyyy

    @amount numeric

    set @seqnum=(select MAX(uni_seq)+1 from acu_uni_seq)

    set @dt=(select CAST(LEFT(GETDATE()-DAY(GETDATE())+1,11) AS datetime))

    set @dt2=(select REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), @dt, 101), '/', '') AS datetime)

    set @amount=(select sum(technology_purse + tuition_purse+user_purse)*-1 from pharos.dbo.users where (technology_purse + tuition_purse + user_purse) < 0.10 and type = 'user' and group_id = '35192')


    select 'UNIHEADER', 'HEAD', 'UNI_FEED', sum(technology_purse + tuition_purse + user_purse)*-1, '@DT2', 'UNI'+RIGHT('000' + CAST(@seqnum as varchar), 6)

       from pharos.dbo.users

       where (technology_purse + tuition_purse + user_purse) < 0.10

       and type = 'user'

       and group_id = '35192'


       UNION ALL



       card_id as Banner_ID, 'CPCG' as CPCG, 'UNI_FEED' as UNI_FEED,

        (technology_purse + tuition_purse + user_purse)*-1 as Amount, '@DT2' as DATE, 'UNI'+RIGHT('000' + CAST(@seqnum as varchar), 6)

       from pharos.dbo.users

       where (technology_purse + tuition_purse + user_purse) < 0.10

       and type = 'user'

       and group_id = '35192'

       insert into pharos.dbo.acu_uni_seq

       values (@seqnum,  getdate(), @amount)

                             select @err=@@error

                                         if @err = 0


    --Reset student balances to 0


                            select @student_id = user_id from pharos.dbo.people where id = 'student' and type = 'Group'

                            update pharos.dbo.people_balances set user_purse = 0

    from pharos.dbo.people_balances, pharos.dbo.people p

    where people_balances.user_id = p.user_id 

    and p.group_id=@student_id and p.type='User'


           (technology_purse + tuition_purse + user_purse) <= -0.10

      and type = 'user'

      and group_id = '35192'

                            update pharos.dbo.people_balances

    set tuition_purse = 0

    from pharos.dbo.people_balances, pharos.dbo.people p

    where people_balances.user_id = p.user_id 

    and p.group_id=@student_id

    and p.type='User'


         (technology_purse + tuition_purse + user_purse) <= -0.10

      and type = 'user'

      and group_id = '35192'

                            update pharos.dbo.people_balances

    set technology_purse = 0

    from pharos.dbo.people_balances, pharos.dbo.people p

    where people_balances.user_id = p.user_id 

    and p.group_id=@student_id and p.type='User'


         (technology_purse + tuition_purse + user_purse) <= -0.10

      and type = 'user'

      and group_id = '35192'

    --Reset FAC/STAFF and STU balances to 15.00 and 50.00 on Months 1,6, 8

    if (SELECT DATEPART(month, GETDATE())) IN ('1','6','8')


               select @student_bal = balance from pharos.dbo.acu_start_balance where acu_group = 'student'

                            select @facstaff_bal = balance from pharos.dbo.acu_start_balance where acu_group = 'facstaff'

                            select @student_id = user_id from pharos.dbo.people where id = 'student' and type = 'Group'

                            update pharos.dbo.people_balances

    set user_purse = @student_bal

    from pharos.dbo.people_balances, pharos.dbo.people p

    where people_balances.user_id = p.user_id 

    and p.group_id=@student_id

    and p.type='User'

                            update pharos.dbo.people_balances

    set tuition_purse = 0

    from pharos.dbo.people_balances, pharos.dbo.people p

    where people_balances.user_id = p.user_id 

    and p.group_id=@student_id

    and p.type='User'

                            update pharos.dbo.people_balances

    set technology_purse = 0

     from pharos.dbo.people_balances, pharos.dbo.people p

    where people_balances.user_id = p.user_id 

    and p.group_id=@student_id

    and p.type='User'

                            select @facstaff_id = user_id from pharos.dbo.people where id = 'faculty_staff' and type = 'Group'

                            update pharos.dbo.people_balances

    set user_purse = @facstaff_bal

    from pharos.dbo.people_balances, pharos.dbo.people p

    where people_balances.user_id = p.user_id

    and p.group_id=@facstaff_id

    and p.type='User'

                            Update pharos.dbo.people_balances

    set tuition_purse = 0

    from pharos.dbo.people_balances, pharos.dbo.people p

    where people_balances.user_id = p.user_id

    and p.group_id=@facstaff_id

    and p.type='User'

                            update pharos.dbo.people_balances

    set technology_purse = 0

    from pharos.dbo.people_balances, pharos.dbo.people p

    where people_balances.user_id = p.user_id

    and p.group_id=@facstaff_id

    and p.type='User'

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • In the DTS Package, which task did you use ? Did you remember to put in the connection?

    If you wanted to exec the procedure, it seemed to me the procedure had a parameter, did you put in the parameter in the exec statement?

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