DTS DateStamping Text File Export

  • Hello all,

    I have 8 tables that need to be exported as text files at the end of each month, date stamped with the 'Closing' periods year/month. 

    I need to name each with the table content type + DateStamp.txt - i.e. CountyCase200403.txt

    Since I want to automate this process, it looks like 8 separate DTS packages (that I will combine into a DTS controller task later). 

    Is this a case for using the Active X scripting functions with Global variables in DTS packages?  If so, how do I set up and Use a Global Variable date string in a DTS exported file.  


    The BOL documentation left lots of questions for me - I'd appreciate any thoughts on this one.  I'm guessing that some of you have dealt with this before - thank you in advance

    Best Regards - Tom

  • Tom,

    NO problem there are all; I do it all the time.  The trick is to use the "Dynamic Properties Task". 

    1st, use VB or SQL to concatenate the file string, thn stick that string in a global variable (not hard).  IE: SQL task of "Select 'C:\FilePath\FileName + convert(cast getdate() as varchar(25)), Click Parameters, Create Global Variables, assign, and your done with that; even cleaner in VB.

    2nd, create a destination file step that creates the appropriate file (use today's date as default). 

    3rd, Use the "Dynamic Properties Task" to update the file name with the Global Variable you set in step 1. 


    Signature is NULL

  • Thank you Calvin - it sounds relatively easy.  I was missing the Dynamic Properties Task part.  It sounds like a loader/variable manager applet.  Will see what I can come up with - thanks again

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