DTS date stamp

  • Hi,

    I'm fairly new to DTS packages.  I currently have a DTS package that runs a T-SQL script and dumps a flat file into a directory on the network.  However I can't seem to figure out how to date stamp the file so when it runs the following day it doesn't overwrite the previous file, I don't want it to append the file, I need a fresh dump everyday.

    Can anyone please help?




  • Hi Kris,

    I am assuming you are using a "Text File (Destination)" connection object right? If this is the case you need to dynamically change the name of the file to which you are outputting.

    You do this by putting an ActiveX Task prior to the step that outputs to your text file. Put the following code into it:

    Function Main()

     Dim dt, dtstr

     dt = Now

     dtstr = CStr( DatePart( "yyyy",  dt  ) ) & _

      Right(  "0" & CStr( DatePart( "m", dt ) ), 2 ) & _

      Right(  "0" & CStr( DatePart( "d", dt ) ), 2 )

     'msgbox dtstr


     DTSGlobalVariables.Parent.Connections("MyFile").DataSource = "C:\Myfile" & dtstr & ".txt"

     'msgbox DTSGlobalVariables.Parent.Connections("MyFile").DataSource

     Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function

    The code will change the name of the file to c:\MyFile<YYYYMMDD>.txt

    I'm sure you can work out how to adapt this to give it the exact name that you want.

    There are of course "many ways to skin a crocodile". When you get more familiar with DTS you may want to pass in a timestamp value from the app that calls the DTS package (probably via DTSRun) and then use a Dynamic Properties Task to set your file name. Don't run before you can walk though!

    Hope this helps!

  • I don't want to sound like a twit, but I've never dealt with ActiveX in my life.

    I've changed the "MyFile" to the actual directory it's going to  but it's still failing.  Is there something else I should be changing?

    ...   DTSRun:  Executing...   DTSRun OnStart:  DTSStep_DTSActiveScriptTask_1   DTSRun OnStart:  DTSStep_DTSDataPumpTask_1   DTSRun OnError:  DTSStep_DTSActiveScriptTask_1, Error = -2147220485 (800403FB)      Error string:  Error Code: 0   Error Source= Microsoft VBScript compilation error   Error Description: Syntax error      Error on Line 8         Error source:  Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Package      Help file:  sqldts80.hlp      Help context:  1100      Error Detail Records:      Error:  -2147220485 (800403FB); Provider Error:  0 (0)      Error string:  Error Code: 0   Error Source= Microsoft VBScript compilation error   Error Description: Syntax error      Error on Line 8         Error source:  Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Package      Help file:  sqldts80.hlp      Help context:  1100      DTSRun OnFinish:  DTSStep_DTSActiveScriptTask_1   DTSRun OnProgress:  DTSStep_DTSDataPumpTask_1; 51 Rows have been transformed or copied.; ...  Process Exit Code 1.  The step failed.

    Thanks in advance



  • Well you not alone about sounding like a twit, there's many of us of there. It's real easy to sound like a twit when you're dealing with DTS

    You need to change the "MyFile" bit to the name of the connection, not the physical filename.

    Eg: DTSGlobalVariables.Parent.Connections("Text File (Destination)").DataSource = "C:\Myfile" & dtstr & ".txt"

    Also, can you post what you changed the line to? Maybe you forgot a quote or something.

    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • It does the export of the data but doesn't seem to put the time stamp on. I'm all confused

    Function Main()

     Dim dt, dtstr

     dt = Now

     dtstr = CStr( DatePart( "yyyy",  dt  ) ) & _

      Right(  "0" & CStr( DatePart( "m", dt ) ), 2 ) & _

      Right(  "0" & CStr( DatePart( "d", dt ) ), 2 )

     'msgbox dtstr


     DTSGlobalVariables.Parent.Connections("\\sun\Kris\I52_Invoice").DataSource = "\\sun\Kris\I52_Invoice" & dtstr & '.txt'

     'msgbox DTSGlobalVariables.Parent.Connections("\\sun\Kris\I52_Invoice").DataSource

     Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function



  • Hi Kris,

    A few tips.


    1. When you look at your DTS package in the package designer your connection object will have a name which is displayed with it. Lets call that <conn_name>

    You need to change the line:

    DTSGlobalVariables.Parent.Connections("\\sun\Kris\I52_Invoice").DataSource = "\\sun\Kris\I52_Invoice" & dtstr & '.txt'


    DTSGlobalVariables.Parent.Connections("<conn_name>").DataSource = "\\sun\Kris\I52_Invoice" & dtstr & '.txt'


    2. In order to help you debug it remove the apostrophe from the beginning of:

    'msgbox DTSGlobalVariables.Parent.Connections("\\sun\Kris\I52_Invoice").DataSource

    (remembering to change \\sun\Kris\152_Invoice to <conn_name&gt

    Apostrophes are VBScript's comments. When you run it you will get a standard windows popup telling you where it is going to output the file to.


    3. You could also remove the apostrophe from the start of:

    'msgbox dtstr

    to check you are building the timestamp correctly.


    4. In the package designer right-click on your ActiveX task and click "Execute Step". This will, unsurpisingly, just run that step. If it works successfully you will be able to look inside your connection object and see that the filename has indeed changed to whatever you set it to.


    Hope this helps.



  • How did you get on Kris?

  • I got rid of the apostrophes, but I'm a little confused at the connection name,  Where do I find the connection name?  I have a "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL" and a "Text File (Destination)".

    What am I not looking at properly?  I feel like such a goose.

    Thanks heaps in advance.



  • Kris,

    The name of your connection is simply "Text File (Destination)".


    So, the code you want is:

    DTSGlobalVariables.Parent.Connections("Text File (Destination)").DataSource = "\\sun\Kris\I52_Invoice" & dtstr & '.txt'

    If I were you I'd change the name of that connection to something more readable. e.g. "OutputFile".


    Don't worry about lack of understanding. We'll get you there in the end :o)




  • Thanks sooo much for your help (and patiance :-))

    I have changed it to the following and it says there is an error on line 7:

    Function Main()

    Dim dt, dtstr

    dt = Now

    dtstr = CStr( DatePart( "yyyy",  dt  ) ) & _

    Right(  "0" & CStr( DatePart( "m", dt ) ), 2 ) & _

    Right(  "0" & CStr( DatePart( "d", dt ) ), 2 )

    msgbox dtstr

    DTSGlobalVariables.Parent.Connections("Test File (Destination)").DataSource = "\\sun\kris\I52_Invoice" & dtstr & '.txt'

    msgbox DTSGlobalVariables.Parent.Connections("Test File (Destination)").DataSource

    Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function

    What else do I need to change?



  • Kris,

    It is hard to look at the code and decide which is line 7 (strange but true).

    Try commenting out (using an apostrophe) each line one at a time until it doesn't fail. Then you'll know which line is causing the error.

    Let me know when you find out. At the moment I can't tell by looking at the code where the problem is.


    P.S. Remember that:

    dtstr = CStr( DatePart( "yyyy",  dt  ) ) & _

    Right(  "0" & CStr( DatePart( "m", dt ) ), 2 ) & _

    Right(  "0" & CStr( DatePart( "d", dt ) ), 2 )

    is a single line of code so make sure you comment all of it out!!!

  • O.K, the only line that seem so have a problem is:

    DTSGlobalVariables.Parent.Connections("Test File (Destination)").DataSource = "\\sun\kris\I52_Invoice" & dtstr & '.txt'

    Everything else seems to run fine.

    Again, thanks heaps



  • I imagine the eror you are getting is something like "Unknown connection". Am I right?

    Try "Text File (Destination)" instead of "Test File (Destination)"


  • Gees I felt like a goose then, but I've changed it and it still doesn't work, this is the exact error message:

    Error Source : Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Package

    Error Description : Error Code: 0

    Error Source=Microsfot VBScript compliation error

    Error Description: Syntax error

    Error on Line 7



  • GODDAMIT. I've just seen where the problem is - and its entirely my fault, my sincerest apologies.

    Try the following:

    Function Main()

     Dim dt, dtstr

     dt = Now

     dtstr = CStr( DatePart( "yyyy",  dt  ) ) & _ 

      Right(  "0" & CStr( DatePart( "m", dt ) ), 2 ) & _

      Right(  "0" & CStr( DatePart( "d", dt ) ), 2 )

     msgbox dtstr

     DTSGlobalVariables.Parent.Connections("Text File (Destination)").DataSource = "\\sun\kris\I52_Invoice" + dtstr + ".txt"

     msgbox DTSGlobalVariables.Parent.Connections("Text File (Destination)").DataSource

     Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function

    The .txt was previously surrounded by apostrophes whereas it should be speech marks.


    Sorry about that. This will definitely work now!



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