DTS: Column names to Flat File limited to 248

  • I've been troubleshooting an issue is DTS for awhile.  I'm running SQL 2K with SP3.  I'm trying to export data from a SQL Server connection to a flat file via a datapump.  The source SQL parses and previews fine.  When I go to the destination tab, the "Define Columns" window pops up with the all the correct columns and names.  After clicking "Execute", I return to the Destination tab, but none of the column names appear.

    I tested several different scenarios.  I tried limiting the number of columns and the values within the columns but got differing results.  Eventually, I began playing with the length of the column names.  I found that once the total length of the column names together was less than 248, the column names appeared fine.

    I thought maybe my dtsffile.dll got corrupted.  I downloaded it again and reregistered it but with no luck.

    Has anyone ever had this issue before?  Is there a solution / workaround?

    Any help would be appreciated.  Thank,

    Jason Ingram, DBA

  • This link might be of help. http://www.sqldts.com/default.aspx?297

  • I take the steps specified in the workaround but still have the same issue.  I tried using the wizard and it will export the file fine.  I saved the wizard's package and checked out the properties through disconnected edit.  The Maximum Characters per delimited column properties are the same in the wizard's package as in mine.  When I try to open up the destination tab in the wizard's data pump, it performs the same way my package does.

    Were you able to get the workaround to work?


  • Jason,

    I haven't had the "opportunity" to test this workaround in a long time. A few years back I recall having a similar situation and I believe this was how I got it to work. If I can get a chance today I will give it a shot and get back to you.

  • The link in Journeyman's reply just saved me an awful lot of investigative work.. Thanks!

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