DTS annd Access 2002

  • Is there a way to execute a DTS package from within Access 2002. Scenerio:

    I have a Access 2002 MDB that has a command button on the form that when it clicks it needs to execute a DTS package.

    Any ideas would be great.

    Arthur Lorenzini

  • Can you trigger an operating system command from within Access, and run dtsrun?  See "dtsrun Utility" in BOL.

    Perhaps a RunApp action in a macro, then assign the macro to the command button?  Don't know Access too well so don't know if there are any limitations to this.

  • I also don't use Access but I do execute DTS packages from Visual FoxPro. I have not tested the following code but it may give you a start.


    Function Main()

      Dim objPackage

      Set objPackage = CreateObject(“DTS.Package2”)


      objPackage.LoadFromSQLServer “ServerName”, “username”, “userpassword”, _

       , , , , “YourPackage”




      Set objPackage = nothing


      Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function


    I got this from the DTS chapter in "Professional SQL Server 2000 Programming" published by Wrox. I had to translate this VBScript into VFP code but it worked well for me.

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