DTS and Mixed data file

  • Hi

    I have a datafile that has mixed data like.. some columns are normal text (of varchar) and some column are are xml type ( text tyep in the database).

    I am having trouble loading this file to database using DTS or BCP/BULK INSERT.. i can load using BCP with -w(widechar).. but it would skip some portion of the data ( like it won't load the entire column of xml values)

    Please let me know if any one has done this before..





  • I would load this all as text using DTS. Be sure you know what the delimeters are, but load it all into a single text row on the server. Then parse from there in to separate values, baesed on some pattern matching.

  • Hi Steve,


    Thanks.. for now i managed using the carriage return char

    " -r  \r\n" as the row delemeter .. now the entire column values even though same column spans across multiple lines are loaded untill it finds the column delimeter ~.. But i think i can certainly use the method you decribed as teh best method.. hope to use it sometime.. thanks for your time..



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