DTS Absolute Path during "Send Mail" Task

  • I have a DTS job that attachs an Excel file from a network drive and emails it to external users.  The external users get the email, however it has the full path name.  How can I get the file to attach as "regular" ?

  • You can add and activex scripts like this


    '  Visual Basic ActiveX Script



    Function Main()

    Dim iMsg


    set iMsg = CreateObject("CDO.Message")


    Dim objMail   

    Set objMail = CreateObject("CDO.Message")


    objMail.From = "username@somewhere.com"

    'objMail.To ="jaimemaccou@colliergov.net"

    objMail.To ="one@somewhere.com,two@somewher.com"

    objMail.AddAttachment ("\\servername\driveletter$\folder\filename.xls")

    objMail.Subject="your subject here"

    objMail.TextBody = "Body Test here"


    Set objMail = nothing


    Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function


  • That worked great.

    Thanks for the info.

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