• I created a new DTS to get data froma vew into a table but now i want to move the data from a temp table to a other table but i keep getting this message , this happens when i go to create a success link betwen my SQL update task and my DB connectiion were i am putting the data to so i can update it,

    "Defining precedences between the selected items is not vaild "

    Are there any good web sites with good detail example of were i can learn more about DTS's


  • Try this



  • Francis,

    Can you tell us which DTS tasks you have in your package?  I sounds like you may be trying to use a precedence constraint between a task and a connection.  It can only be used between two tasks. 



  • am moving data from a view in one server to another server via the "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server"

    Here is the plan

    S1 ----Transform Data Task-----------> S2 -------success-----------> (SQLTask) >> ------- Here is were the problem is----------> S2


  • You need to define you precidence to be "On Success" from your Transform Data Task to your Execute SQL Task.  If you want several Transform Data Tasks between S1 and S2 to execute one after the other, you have to manually define the order of precidence between the Transform Tasks (the designer always defines these to be parallel operations) and have your final Transform point to your SQLTask.


    -Mike Gercevich

  • You specify the connection in the Execute SQL task, rather than connect the task to a connection with workflow.  In your case, S2 is specified in (SQLTASK).




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