DTC, Distributed Query Error.

  • Hello, I am running a distributed query from one server. I have all the linkedservers setup correctly and I can query these linked server without error. I have this job which is run once a day to collect data file sizes into a table and I get this error.

    The operation could not be performed because the OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB' was unable to begin a distributed transaction.

    [OLE/DB provider returned message: New transaction cannot enlist in the specified transaction coordinator. ]

    OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB Provider 'SQLOLEDB' ITransactionJoin::JoinTransaction returned 0x8004d00a].

    Here is my code, HELP ANYONE.



     DECLARE @l_SerCursor_Csr CURSOR,

      @l_DBCursor_Csr  CURSOR,

      @l_SQLStmt_Vch  VARCHAR(300),

      @l_ServerName_Vch VARCHAR(100),

      @l_DBName_Vch  VARCHAR(100)




      [DB_ID]  INT IDENTITY(1,1),

      [DB_NAME] VARCHAR(100)




      [ID]  INT IDENTITY(1,1),


      [DB_NAME] VARCHAR(50),

      FILEID  INT,



      [MAXSIZE] INT,

      GROWTH  INT,

      STATUS  INT,

      PERF  INT,

      [NAME]  VARCHAR(50),




     SET @l_SerCursor_Csr = CURSOR FOR



     OPEN @l_SerCursor_Csr

     FETCH NEXT FROM @l_SerCursor_Csr INTO @l_ServerName_Vch




      SET @l_DBCursor_Csr =   CURSOR FOR

         SELECT [DB_NAME]


      OPEN @l_DBCursor_Csr

      FETCH NEXT FROM @l_DBCursor_Csr INTO @l_DBName_Vch



       SET @l_SQLStmt_Vch = 'SELECT ''' + @l_ServerName_Vch + ''', ''' + @l_DBName_Vch + ''', FILEID, GROUPID, SIZE, MAXSIZE, GROWTH, STATUS, PERF, NAME, FILENAME FROM [' + @l_ServerName_Vch + '].' + @l_DBName_Vch + '.DBO.SYSFILES'



          FETCH NEXT FROM @l_DBCursor_Csr INTO @l_DBName_Vch


      FETCH NEXT FROM @l_SerCursor_Csr INTO @l_ServerName_Vch




  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • I just got this error and saw Technet references to a setting under Windows 2003 server which disables Network access to the DTC.

    In my case though, I am trying to make a view - my query runs fine, it is just when I try to save the query that I get this error.

    Did you work out what caused your error ?

    The systems fine with no users loggged in. Can we keep it that way ?br>

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