DSN Will only connect using TCIP address instead of server name

  • Hi

    Using SQL 2008 server(25 Cals) on Server 2008 - R2, setup to listen on port 1433. Have approximately 10 workstations connecting to a ERP system. All workstations ODBC - DSN using sql native client to connect to instance on server, no problem.

    However one workstation, will only connect if I use the Tcpip address instead of the server name in the DSN setup for eg.\InstanceName instead of SERVERNAME\Instance Name. I can ping the server name from the workstation. The sql native client version is the same across all workstations as it get installed during the client installation of the ERP software. Workstation is Windows7, and firewall is turned off.

    Any ideas would be appreciated.

    Many Thanks


  • does it ping to the correct ip address when you ping by name? if not,

    issue ipconfig /flushdns

    if you are getting the right ip addres, then its at the sql client level. check the sql client configuration... i.e. SQL configuration managager>native client configuration>protocols and aliases...

  • Hi NJ-DBA

    Thanks for your response.

    Yes I could ping by server name and it returned the correct ip address.

    Had a re-look on the server configuration as per your suggestion. IP2 was enabled and active, and had tcp port 1433, with dynamic port blank(I always ensure this).

    However under IPALL I found that the was a value in dynamic port and TCP port was blank. I changed it there as well. No I can connect from the problem pc using the server name\instance name in my DSN setup.

    Silly question perhaps, but why did the other pc's not had a problem connecting via server ame\instance name.

    Thanks anyway, appreciated your response.


  • deon 30817 (9/13/2011)

    Hi NJ-DBA

    Thanks for your response.

    Yes I could ping by server name and it returned the correct ip address.

    Had a re-look on the server configuration as per your suggestion. IP2 was enabled and active, and had tcp port 1433, with dynamic port blank(I always ensure this).

    However under IPALL I found that the was a value in dynamic port and TCP port was blank. I changed it there as well. No I can connect from the problem pc using the server name\instance name in my DSN setup.

    Silly question perhaps, but why did the other pc's not had a problem connecting via server ame\instance name.

    Thanks anyway, appreciated your response.


    Hmm, my suggestion was intended to point you toward the SQL Client configuration on the problem PC...not on the server. The thought being, if its working on some machines and not others, than there must be something different at that PC... i.e., is there a different set of protocols enabled (TCP/IP, namedpipes), so some clients have an alias defined while the problem PC doesnt.... etc. So, the question still remains it seems- what's different about this "problem PC"... does it perhaps reside on a different network segment? when you ping by name you resolve the IP addy from all clients?

    I'm glad you dont have the problem any more, but with the information I have now, I can't tell you why you experienced different results from some clients than others.

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