Dropping the Aggregate

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Dropping the Aggregate

  • I don't understand the answer.  The linked article states:


    To execute DROP AGGREGATE, at a minimum, a user must have ALTER permission on the schema to which the user-defined aggregate belongs, or CONTROL permission on the aggregate.

    So the user only needs one permission - either ALTER on the schema or CONTROL on the aggregate.

  • It is either of those. I wasn't quite sure how to word the question. I'm still not sure.

  • It is either of those. I wasn't quite sure how to word the question. I'm still not sure.

  • MS documentation can be tricky - as Control is a superset of permissions that contain ALTER it means that CONTROL should never have been worded as being a minimum permission for ANYTHING where one of the underlying permissions is what really grants the permission.

  • Hi Steve, and what about this: "Which database permission levels below can I use to run DROP AGGREGATE in SQL Server 2019?"

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by  George Vobr.
  • Maybe, George. Still might imply multiple things. Maybe "Of these permissions, which two represent either of a minimum permission needed?"

    This one is tricky.

  • You'll probably make fun of me for not ending it yet but I had some time, so maybe:

    "Which permission, at a minimum, should a user have to execute DROP AGGREGATE? Select two of the options below that can be used. It is understood that you grant only one of them."

    So, that's it, and I promise I'll give peace... 🙂

  • I like it. Better than my idea.

    Question updated.

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