Dropping constraints

  • I want to redo all of my default value constraints. Is there a quick way to do this? I have over 2500 constraints and it has taken 4 hours to drop 1000 of them. Any ideas?

    Thank you.


  • Well, you could build a table with each db/schema/table/column in it, and then specify the default values to be used for each. Then you could use the table to generate dynamic SQL to create all your code for each constraint. It could be a lot of work coding and testing before you trusted it to do the job correctly. Sorry, but I have no better ideas.


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • why are you doing this?

    Are you looking to rename all the constraints or to change them?

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices

  • Hi Mike,

    How you dropped only Default Constraints ?


    Chaithanya M

  • I personally use a script to generate the drop constraints, this usually works and only needs tweaking


    'Alter Table ['+s.name+'].['+o.name+'] Drop Constraint ' +c.name

    from sys.default_constraints c

    JOIN sys.objects o on o.object_id=c.parent_object_id

    JOin sys.schemas s on s.schema_id=o.schema_id

    Join sys.columns col on col.column_id=c.parent_column_id

    and col.object_id=c.parent_object_id

    Where s.name != 'sys'

    the Last time I did this I had to also rename them from the default name (DF_<table>_<HEX valued object_id>) to a proscribed format of DF_<schema>_<Table>_<Column>

    So generated this bit of code,


    'Alter Table ['+s.name+'].['+o.name+'] Drop Constraint ' +c.name

    +Char(10)+'Alter Table ['+s.name+'].['+o.name+'] Add Constraint DF_'+s.name+'_'+o.name+'_'+col.name+' Default '+ c.definition + ' for '+ col.name

    from sys.default_constraints c

    JOIN sys.objects o on o.object_id=c.parent_object_id

    JOin sys.schemas s on s.schema_id=o.schema_id

    Join sys.columns col on col.column_id=c.parent_column_id

    and col.object_id=c.parent_object_id


    -- s.name=<insert target schema name>

    -- and o.name=<insert target table name>

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices

  • Jason-299789 (11/9/2012)

    why are you doing this?

    Are you looking to rename all the constraints or to change them?

    Yes, I want them named consistently so that it is easier in the future if I have to make changes.


  • Jason-299789 (11/9/2012)

    I personally use a script to generate the drop constraints, this usually works and only needs tweaking


    'Alter Table ['+s.name+'].['+o.name+'] Drop Constraint ' +c.name

    from sys.default_constraints c

    JOIN sys.objects o on o.object_id=c.parent_object_id

    JOin sys.schemas s on s.schema_id=o.schema_id

    Join sys.columns col on col.column_id=c.parent_column_id

    and col.object_id=c.parent_object_id

    Where s.name != 'sys'

    the Last time I did this I had to also rename them from the default name (DF_<table>_<HEX valued object_id>) to a proscribed format of DF_<schema>_<Table>_<Column>

    So generated this bit of code,


    'Alter Table ['+s.name+'].['+o.name+'] Drop Constraint ' +c.name

    +Char(10)+'Alter Table ['+s.name+'].['+o.name+'] Add Constraint DF_'+s.name+'_'+o.name+'_'+col.name+' Default '+ c.definition + ' for '+ col.name

    from sys.default_constraints c

    JOIN sys.objects o on o.object_id=c.parent_object_id

    JOin sys.schemas s on s.schema_id=o.schema_id

    Join sys.columns col on col.column_id=c.parent_column_id

    and col.object_id=c.parent_object_id


    -- s.name=<insert target schema name>

    -- and o.name=<insert target table name>

    With the code above, how did you get the default value into each constraint? Did it take a long time?


  • instead of dropping and recreating, it would be much faster and easier to generate code to simply rename the existing constraints.

    this is what i would do:


    EXEC sp_rename 'DF__SFHEAD__MSLOAN__51278362','DF__SFHEAD_MSLOAN'






    'EXEC sp_rename ''' + c.name + ''',''DF__' + o.name + '_' + col.name + ''''

    from sys.default_constraints c

    JOIN sys.objects o on o.object_id=c.parent_object_id

    JOin sys.schemas s on s.schema_id=o.schema_id

    Join sys.columns col on col.column_id=c.parent_column_id

    and col.object_id=c.parent_object_id

    Where s.name != 'sys'


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