Drop indexes

  • Hi there, I have a lot of unused indexes on my database which I would like to drop. Now I know how to drop an index but I would like to drop indexes with a variable passed as a parameter. Here is a normal drop syntax:

    drop index MyIndex ON MyTable with (online = off)

    but what I want to do is this:

    drop index @index ON @table with (online = off)

    I get a syntax error when I just do this so I tried this:

    declare @sqlstring varchar(max)

    set @sqlstring = 'drop index '+@index+' ON '+@table+' with (online = off)'

    execute @sqlstring

    The @table and @index variables is stored proc parameters which are both varchar(max) but this clearly does not work. I am just doing something wrong but don't know what. Please can someone help me?

    :-PManie Verster
    South Africa

    I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. - Holy Bible
    I am a man of fixed and unbending principles, the first of which is to be flexible at all times. - Everett Mckinley Dirkson (Well, I am trying. - Manie Verster)

  • When you execute a dynamic SQL, you need to use parentheses around the variable that stores the dynamic SQL. Also I don’t think that you need to specify that you do it online. Below is a small demo that uses your code and shows you that it works:

    use tempdb


    create table Demo (i int)


    create index ix_demo_i on Demo (i)


    --See that the index exists

    exec sp_helpindex Demo


    declare @index varchar(20)

    declare @table varchar(20)

    declare @sqlstring varchar(max)

    select @index = 'ix_demo_i', @table = 'Demo'

    set @sqlstring = 'drop index '+@index+' ON '+@table --+' with (online = off)'

    execute (@sqlstring)

    --See that now the table has no index

    exec sp_helpindex Demo


    drop table Demo


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