Drill Through report - Jump to URL (To open report in new window)

  • The report that I want to jump to is IntercompanyReconciliationLedgerDetail.rdl

    The path to this report is Home/Foldername.

    The report has 4 parameters passed to it.

    When I click on the link that I created on the main report, it does not do anything.

    If I used the Jump to Report property, everything works.

    What is wrong with this?



  • I am assuming you are testing this report by deploying it on a web server rather than a visual studio. LInks donot work in VS.In IE make sure scripting is enabled.

    Not sure but is the Javascript keyword really not required before the void() call.?


    Note: in IE there is a limit to which the length of an URL can go, i think it was 1024 chars.

  • For anyone needing help with this, I got it to work building the string like this:

    Add the following string to the 'Jump to URL' function.

    ="void(window.open('http://localhost/reportserver?/foldername/reportname&rs:Command=Render&ParameterName1="& Parameters!EndPeriod.Value &"&ParameterName2="& Fields!ACCNT_CODE.Value &"&ParameterName3="& Fields!ANAL_T0.Value &"&ParameterName4="& Fields!TransactionCurrency.Value &"'))"

    ...and yes, do use the javascript at the beginning of the string and use & rather than +.

  • I used this approach to open the sub report in another window. The window open successfully, but the sub report was opened with default parameter value, not with sent.

    The string passed to another window looks like this: http://<my Server>/Reports/Pages/<My Report>&rs%3aCommand=Render&ByHum=5

    Default value for parameter ByHum is 1, and it shows with this value (I set the test box to see the value).

    Should this parameter in the sub report set up somehow specially to get the passed value? I think I exercised all available choices - no success.

    Thanks in advance!

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