Drill Down Table Size

  • I have a Drill down report where you can drill down from Year to Month to Day and view all the entries for that day. Problem is when I have only drilled down to the list of days i.e.:

    Year  Month Day







     the next day is shown mulitple pages away even though the data for that day is still hidden. Is there a way for the days to will be listed right below one another untill you expand that day???  Any thoughts would be appreciated!!!!  Thanks!!

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  • I think the last time i ran into this was when my grouoings on the rows weren't quite right.  The way i tested this ws to use the wizard to create me a report and it got the grouping correct, so then i copied it



  • Yeah I tooled around with it for a while. It was a grouping issue. Finally got it to work. Thanks for the reply.

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