Drill Down Not Working

  • I have created a matrix report that has a drill down on the rows.  The drill down works great when I'm previewing the report in Report Designer.  However, when I deploy the report and view it on the ReportServer the drill down does not work.  When I click on the (-) to expand it makes a call to the server but the page just appears to refresh - with nothing having changed.

    I've tried the page in IE 5 and 6.

    Any suggestions?


  • The problem appears to have been fixed.  I'm just waiting for a new DSN entry but it appears the problem was that my server name had underscores in it!

    Kinda strange but it doesn't surprise me.

  • Hi Don,

    I have the same issue, if I Remote Desktop onto a server and browse from there I get the the same result where the matrix doesn't expand. However browsing from a workstation is fine.

    If anyone can shed some light on that one I would appreciate it too.




  • Colin,

    So it works from the workstation but not through remote desktop...hmmm.  Does it work on Remote Desktop using Localhost? 

    How about using the IP of the server in the URL instead of the DNS?  Does that work?



  • Hi Don,

    Sorry there was more to this than just a plain install.

    We have 3 servers looking after this particular area. A SQLServer (obviously) then a IIS Server with RS on it, then another Server with SharePoint services on it, the SharePoint services has an Application installed called Microsoft Business Portal (part of Microsoft Business Solutions). The reason I have 2 IIS Servers is while RS works with SharePoint, Business Portal doesn't. The report needs to be displayed via the Business Portal Application, which sits on SharePoint, the RS report is on a separate server but displayed within a web part in SharePoint(Businees Portal).

    Remote Desktop (via a VPN) to the SharePoint Server and the report's drill down is fine both through SharePoint or browsing to the RS Server.

    Remote Desktop (via a VPN) to another server (SQL Server) browse to the SharePoint server and the report's drill down does NOT work, however it works if you browse to the RS Server.

    Browse through the VPN or from a local workstation to the SharePoint Server and as luck would have it, it drills down fine.

    I think it has something to do with the VPN connection not using the same login/password that is used on the local workstation, thus causing a popup authentication window whenever a different server is accessed when anonymous connections are not permitted, which is both!

    Hopefully I will come across an answer one day, but fortunately its not an urgent matter.




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