Downgrafe from Ent Trial to SQL Standard 2008 r2

  • I am running the trial Enterprise Edition of SQL Server 2008 R2 x64 and bought the 2008 Standard R2 Edition x64. When I did the downgrade, everything seemed to run smoothly but my databases were not available and I could not login to SSMS with my SA or Domain admin credentials like I could before the downgrade. Oddly enough, my reports database was still available and I was able to run reports against it (They are in the same instance as the unavailable DB's).

    I am thinking that my other DB's are using a feature of Ent Edition, causing them to be unavailable, but that is just a wild guess.

    Any help would be appreciated as my trial expires in two weeks!!!

    Thank you!

  • 1. Did you check to make sure there was not another named instance?

    2. Did you try attaching the mdf files to the new instance? EDIT: I guess you can't do that if you cannot log in.

    Can you log in at all? Can you just log into the machine and use "localhost" as the server and then use windows authentication?



    CE - Microsoft

  • I believe a downgrade with databases attached was not a wise move; cf. --

    Your best choice is to reinstall Enterprise, if you can, reattach the databases and follow the steps in the post I linked.

  • There was only the default instance. One wierd thing though, at the SSMS login screen, there were two identically named options to connect to. Neither worked. And no, I could not connect to the named instance.

    Luckily, this machine was virtualized and I restored the entire machine to backup so I can restart the process again. I did not detach the database first, so I will try that and report back.

    Thank you all for your help!

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