Downgrading SQL Server Enterprise to Standard edition

  • Due to licensing issues, as a DBA I have been asked to downgrade 2 SQL Server 2000 enterprise production servers to the standard edition. Any ideas on the best way to perform this task with the least impact to the production environment.

    your suggestions are would be greatly appreciated




  • I am not sure whether exists any easy solution to this problem. But I think restoring from the backup could be one of the easiest solutions. but if u are using any of the features specific to Enterprise edn, you may have to do lot of modifications( for eg. Indexed views).


  • In addition to Anil's suggestion, You will under utilize hardware resources if SQL Server machine has more than 4 CPUs and 2 GB RAM with Standard Edition.

  • - Many thanks, the machine has 4 processors and 5GB of ram but with 2 instances of SQL Server.

    So I presume I just have to uninstall SQL, re-install standard edition to Sp3, then restore the master and MSDB? which sounds too easy!!

    Many thanks

    Bill Devonshire

  • I have to ask why the downgrade ?

    I doubt if MS will give you a refund.  If you are moving this license to another server OK.

    I would have to reread the EULA again, but I believe that standard needs a seperate license for EACH instance.  EE allows unlimited (16 max ??)


  • There are many reason to downgrade to Standard Edition.  I have downgrade a couple of servers from Enterprise Edition to Standard Edition.  Here is how you want to do it. 

    1.Backup all databases on your Server.

    2.Stop SQL Server Service and Agent.

    3.Copy the current sql\data folder to a backup folder.

    4.Uninstall SQL Server. Reboot.

    5.Install a fresh copy of SQL Server Standard Edition.

    6.Start SQL Server. (check to see if the standard database is up.)

    7.Stop SQL Server.

    8.rename current sql\data to something else.

    9. rename your old sql\data folder that you saved earlier to the current sql\data folder.

    10.Start SQL Server.

    11. Verify that you have everything you need. 


    This is the easiest way to do because you don't have to restored master and start from scratch. 



  • KlK,

    The reason for this is Money.

    Server 1. Just doesnt need Enterprise edition.

    Server 2. Now has an instance that is used on the web and also doesnt need Enterprise edition, but needs 2 processor licenses (diff. £30000).

    Licenses were bought but the company split in 2 so these original licenses have gone.

    Hence me having to downgrade them.

    I presumed

    1. Backup Master

    2. Uninstall SQL Enterprise

    3. Install SQL Standard

    4. Restore master

    would probably do it.


    Many thanks for your replies

    Bill Devonshire

  • yes, the solution given by mom is the best


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