does moving diagrams actually work?

  • Hi all, my life was joy when I discovered somewhere in this forum labyrinth the secret for moving a db diagram to another db (i.e., the diags are stored in sysdiagrams system table).

    However a cloud of doubt - I know that fk constraints are created by diagram voodoo magic when appropriate lines are drawn (and saved) between tables.

    But the question to y'all - what happens when I move a diag to another db? Does the voodoo magic get reapplied? Or am I left with a db that *looks* voodoo'ed but in fact is unmolested by fk constraints? (and thus my career is in jeopardy?)

    jes 'wonderin .. any thoughts on this appreciated.

  • I've never tried this because I'd think it involves updating a system table, which I generally avoid. You could try following the steps described in "How to: Reconcile a Database Diagram with a Modified Database" in BOL to sync the database and diagram.


  • thanks for the boot in the right direction ! Was such an obtuse topic (I thought) that it never even occurred to me to search in BOL. For anyone watching this topic, the answer is a definite 'yes' the diagram voodoo can be re-applied.

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