Does DBCC DBReindex automatically update statistics?

  • Does DBCC DBReindex automatically update statistics?

    I'm running DBCC DBReindex for each table in the database followed by EXEC SP_Recompile for each table in the database.

    Need to know if I should insert a step between these 2 processes to EXEC SP_UpdateStats ?


  • I'm assuming you don't have auto create / update turned on.  None of the documentation I've seen seems to indicate that updating of stats occurrs during a DBCC DBREINDEX operation.  Therefore I would say you probably would want to include a seperate step for updating table stats.  However if it were me, I would do this before performing the reindex, not after.

    Just my .02

  • Just in case someone else is looking for an answer to this (I know it's an old post).

    According to MS (

    There are two distinct advantages of running DBCC DBREINDEX over DBCC INDEXDEFRAG:

    • DBCC DBREINDEX rebuilds statistics automatically during the rebuild of the indexes; this can have dramatic improvements on workload performance.

    • DBCC DBREINDEX can take advantage of multiple-processor computers and can be significantly faster when rebuilding large or heavily fragmented indexes.

  • Yes and no. DBCC DBREINDEX does update statistics when executed, but it executes sp_updatestats and updates a sample of statistics on table/index.

    But to get the best result for performance of query, you can execute

    update statistics [tablename] with full scan.

    SQL DBA.

  • $sanjayattray (2/8/2008)

    Yes and no. DBCC DBREINDEX does update statistics when executed, but it executes sp_updatestats and updates a sample of statistics on table/index.

    But to get the best result for performance of query, you can execute

    update statistics [tablename] with full scan.

    Wouldn't you need to do

    UPDATE STATISTICS [tablename] with resample

    in order to do what you are saying? I thought with fullscan provides the same behavior as SAMPLE 100 PERCENT (which is what I see when I run a trace using sp_updatestats and using Update Statistics with fullscan).


  • mps_42 (2/8/2008)

    $sanjayattray (2/8/2008)

    Yes and no. DBCC DBREINDEX does update statistics when executed, but it executes sp_updatestats and updates a sample of statistics on table/index.

    But to get the best result for performance of query, you can execute

    update statistics [tablename] with full scan.

    Wouldn't you need to do

    UPDATE STATISTICS [tablename] with resample

    in order to do what you are saying? I thought with fullscan provides the same behavior as SAMPLE 100 PERCENT (which is what I see when I run a trace using sp_updatestats and using Update Statistics with fullscan).

    According to BOL, WITH FULLSCAN and SAMPLE 100 PERCENT are equivalent, also according to BOL: "FULLSCAN cannot be used with the SAMPLE option".

    I do this:

    sp_MSforeachtable @command1="print getdate() print ''?'' UPDATE STATISTICS ? WITH FULLSCAN"'

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