Documentation of Extended Stored Procedures

  • Hi All,

    Q1) Where can I find documentation on all extended stored procedures that comes installed with SqlServer?

    Q2) Is there any eay I can read INI files from a stored procedure?



    Diwakar Cirium


  • 1) You won't. Microsoft has chosen not to document all of the extended stored procedures in the environment. Researchers like Alex Chigrik have written some articles covering undocumented extended stored procedures, but I don't believe any article covers 100% of the extended stored procedures.

    2) Not without some tricks, no. People have done this using ODBC connections, with xp_cmdshell and the resultant temp table, among other methods.

    K. Brian Kelley

    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring

    K. Brian Kelley

  • I found some info on on some undocumented xp_reg* procedures, which was why I wondered if any more was available.

    I was thinking of xp_cmdshell, just thought if someone else had invented the wheel before me, I would borrow it, apparently no such lick!

    Thanks for responding.


    Diwakar Cirium


  • 1. A good source for information on some of the "undocumented stuff" is Ken Henderson's book "The Guru's Guide to SQL Server Stored Procedures XML and HTML" (It's a good refernce book anyway)

    2. Have you tried xp_readerrorlog ?

    (This xp can read text files by setting the first paramter to -1)

    Remember the caveat to using undocumented stuff, the functionality may be changed by MS or be unsupported without notice.

  • DTS can read INI files. You can read something from an INI file into a global variable and then use the global variable in a stored proc call. Look at dynamic properties in the DTS Designer. I believe dynamic properties was introduced in SQL2k.

  • Thanks all.

    I have written a script to read from INI files and posted it on this forum.


    Diwakar Cirium


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