Do you usually go to agencies?

  • Many thanks Lynn for posting that, quite interesting. A job that is literally (or almost) on the front line!


    [font="Tahoma"]Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes. – Carl Jung.[/font]
  • When you are looking for a new job, and agency recruiter calls you to invite to meet him/her at the agency office, did you find it useful? Do they really send you for an interview after a meeting face to face?

    In my experience, yes. I'm based in London, and like you I found it a bit odd at first that recruiters wanted to meet me face to face, but I found that the ones I met up with were much more likely to recommend me to employers. (In fact I met two very early on in my search, and within a few days I had two good job offers, one originating from each recruiter.)

    I admit that at first I was quite cynical about their motives in wanting to meet up; I'm a youngish female, and I did wonder if they were doing a quick wedding ring/visible pregnancy check :-P, but in all seriousness I do actually think they find it easier to place you successfully if they feel they know a bit more about you. For that reason I really do think it's worth a few hours of your time cultivating these relationships.

  • quackhandle1975 (7/30/2014)

    Many thanks Lynn for posting that, quite interesting. A job that is literally (or almost) on the front line!


    Yep, we are out here directly supporting the mission of both our troops and coalition forces.

    You could say that civilian contractors are the unsung heroes out here. We may not get out in the field, but we still have the same threats to deal with as they do.

  • SQLRNNR (7/30/2014)

    Lynn Pettis (7/30/2014)

    SQL Guy 1 (7/30/2014)

    Ah, if I understand right, you are in US army deployed in Afghanistan?

    And the local agencies they are local to Afghanistan or to your home state in US?

    And just curious, you mentioned about IDF attacks, that is Israeli army?

    No, I am not in the military. I am a civilian contractor.

    IDF is Indirect Fire. Can be rockets (usually), artillery (rarely), or mortar (sometimes). Usually just a few rounds, nothing continuous.

    Not sure about your second question.

    Looks like he is trying to figure out if you are using the Agencies from the states for your job search or something in Afghanistan.

    IDF is a long time acronym for the Israel Defense Forces

    This is why he was asking about the Israeli army.

    Took me a while to figure out that you were talking about InDirect Fire as a civilian contractor instead of something to do with the IDF.

  • podmate (7/30/2014)

    SQLRNNR (7/30/2014)

    Lynn Pettis (7/30/2014)

    SQL Guy 1 (7/30/2014)

    Ah, if I understand right, you are in US army deployed in Afghanistan?

    And the local agencies they are local to Afghanistan or to your home state in US?

    And just curious, you mentioned about IDF attacks, that is Israeli army?

    No, I am not in the military. I am a civilian contractor.

    IDF is Indirect Fire. Can be rockets (usually), artillery (rarely), or mortar (sometimes). Usually just a few rounds, nothing continuous.

    Not sure about your second question.

    Looks like he is trying to figure out if you are using the Agencies from the states for your job search or something in Afghanistan.

    IDF is a long time acronym for the Israel Defense Forces

    This is why he was asking about the Israeli army.

    Took me a while to figure out that you were talking about InDirect Fire as a civilian contractor instead of something to do with the IDF.

    Well, IDF for Indirect Fire as been around longer than IDF for Israel Defense Force but we won't mince words. TLFs can be troublesome for many. For instance, when you hear or read ASP what comes to your mind?

  • For instance, when you hear or read ASP what comes to your mind?

    Active Service Pages

    Application Service Provider

    Also googled:

    Appalachia Service Project

    Association of Software Professionals

    Advanced Sterilization Products

    Advanced Study Program

    Associate Safety Professional

    Arkansas State Police

    Association for Strategic Planning

    American Society for Parasitologists

    Academy of Student Pharmacists

    American Security Project

    Association of Support Professionals

  • SQL Guy 1 (7/30/2014)

    For instance, when you hear or read ASP what comes to your mind?

    Active Service Pages

    Application Service Provider

    Also googled:

    Appalachia Service Project

    Association of Software Professionals

    Advanced Sterilization Products

    Advanced Study Program

    Associate Safety Professional

    Arkansas State Police

    Association for Strategic Planning

    American Society for Parasitologists

    Academy of Student Pharmacists

    American Security Project

    Association of Support Professionals

    Hey, you cheated! 😀

    I actually just wanted you to say what you first thought of when you heard ASP. While at a previous employer during certain meetings the term ASP would keep coming up. One of my coworkers finally asked what Active Server Pages had to do with what was being discussed. From his experience, that is what he thought of when he heard ASP. I knew we were talking about Application Service Providers based on the context of the meeting. Same can be said of IDF. Depending on the context I know it can mean Indirect Fire or Israel Defense Force. I can easily switch between the two.

  • Lynn Pettis (7/30/2014)

    SQL Guy 1 (7/30/2014)

    For instance, when you hear or read ASP what comes to your mind?

    Active Service Pages

    Application Service Provider

    Also googled:

    Appalachia Service Project

    Association of Software Professionals

    Advanced Sterilization Products

    Advanced Study Program

    Associate Safety Professional

    Arkansas State Police

    Association for Strategic Planning

    American Society for Parasitologists

    Academy of Student Pharmacists

    American Security Project

    Association of Support Professionals

    Hey, you cheated! 😀

    I actually just wanted you to say what you first thought of when you heard ASP. While at a previous employer during certain meetings the term ASP would keep coming up. One of my coworkers finally asked what Active Server Pages had to do with what was being discussed. From his experience, that is what he thought of when he heard ASP. I knew we were talking about Application Service Providers based on the context of the meeting. Same can be said of IDF. Depending on the context I know it can mean Indirect Fire or Israel Defense Force. I can easily switch between the two.

    How about CSV or PDF?

    On a project they use PDF for Pipe Delimited File.

    You figure out CSV.

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  • SQLRNNR (7/30/2014)

    You figure out CSV.

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  • Lynn Pettis (7/30/2014)

    SQL Guy 1 (7/30/2014)

    For instance, when you hear or read ASP what comes to your mind?

    Active Service Pages

    Application Service Provider

    Also googled:

    Appalachia Service Project

    Association of Software Professionals

    Advanced Sterilization Products

    Advanced Study Program

    Associate Safety Professional

    Arkansas State Police

    Association for Strategic Planning

    American Society for Parasitologists

    Academy of Student Pharmacists

    American Security Project

    Association of Support Professionals

    Hey, you cheated! 😀

    I actually just wanted you to say what you first thought of when you heard ASP. While at a previous employer during certain meetings the term ASP would keep coming up. One of my coworkers finally asked what Active Server Pages had to do with what was being discussed. From his experience, that is what he thought of when he heard ASP. I knew we were talking about Application Service Providers based on the context of the meeting. Same can be said of IDF. Depending on the context I know it can mean Indirect Fire or Israel Defense Force. I can easily switch between the two.

    The first thing that came to mind when I first heard of "ASP" was "snake". 😛 With the way I've seen some people write ASP code that touches the database, it has come to mean "snake in the grass". :hehe:

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    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

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  • Offer them an alternative like Skype or Facetime? It gives a face to face feel without all the travel. I have worked with several agencies that have been willing to complete the "pre-screen" interview this way. It still required "hair and makeup" but it is much less time consuming. I have had good luck with a few agencies and others have just been worthless. Good luck!

  • Sarah Wagner (7/30/2014)

    Offer them an alternative like Skype or Facetime? It gives a face to face feel without all the travel. I have worked with several agencies that have been willing to complete the "pre-screen" interview this way. It still required "hair and makeup" but it is much less time consuming. I have had good luck with a few agencies and others have just been worthless. Good luck!

    That works, but if it is a local agency the face to face would be better.

  • Back to the topic of dealing with agencies.... I've only worked before as an FTE with benefits. Although I've talked to staffing agencies before, I have taken contracting positions previously.

    I was recently presented by an agency for a position at a well-known company. The phone interviews I did with the client went well. When the offer came in, it was for an hourly rate comparable to by last FTE\benefits job, but with no benefits. When I asked for a higher rate to offset the lack of benefits, I was told the rate could not be changed. Due to that and because it would be a rather long commute I decided to pass and sent an email explaining that after careful consideration, I decided the position was not a good fit.

    The next day they came back to me offering to reimburse medical, and later, wrote offering me a salary with benefits, which I ignored because I was becoming very uncomfortable with this. I sensed concern and desperation that the well-known client really liked me and now they're unable to deliver.

    Is it common in this sector to make the initial offer very lowball and be willing to significantly improve the offer when the confident walks away? Is this a sign of an agency that jerks people around? Does it suggest that the position is a bad working environment that makes it difficult to attract and retain people?

    Or did I damage my future prospects by expressing interest in the job and not staying in the negotiation? Did I just dodge a bullet or shoot myself in the foot?

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