Do you think DBA is a desirable job?

  • Hi there,

    obviously and intentionally a provocative question on this forum!

    Well, here is the story behind the question:

    I'm not in the IT business (mentally perhaps, but not full time)

    In several posts I've stated I'm considering a change and apply for a DBA position in my company.

    I think, the time is right now.

    I'm massively frustrating by dealing each day with stupid tasks and meeting with suboptimal thinking people (not that I expect this to change) and I'm taking this frustration into family life!

    What I now need is some advice from you, what will await me when I change position?

    Are you happy with what you do?

    Maybe some hints about the surely upcoming interview would also be helpful.

    Note: I know my boss in spe, he knows me. I wouldn't call him a friend, but he is certainly not a stranger to me. Can't find the appropriate english word, sorry!

    What are typical questions in an interview?

    As always, any thought are more than welcome!



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Frank,

    I don't think you have to worry about the interview. After reading your threads I think you know enough to pass yourself off as as dba, just

    Is it desirable? (I'm speaking from limited experienmce here) As with anything its good when you aren't getting any flak! Clearly you enjoy working with sql/rdbms so go for it.

    Good luck!!!

    Can't find the appropriate english word, sorry!

    It's 'Acquaintance' by the way

    *I didn't do anything it just got complicated*

    Edited by - Ritch on 07/31/2003 08:07:55 AM

    "I didn't do anything it just got complicated" - M Edwards

  • Dear Frank,

    I didn't become a DBA/programmer until I was 13 years into my career. Previous to that, I was an IS Manager, an NT Administrator, and a Software Instructor. I look at DBA as another stepping stone into a Sr. Management career which is actually taking shape as we speak. I am in the interview process of a VERY lucrative career position in this area.

    I will say this. If you are not a user oriented person and enjoy being behind the scenes, then definitely, being a DBA is for you! Also, being a DBA is extremely challenging and satisfying. I live, breathe, and eat databases these days. It's a real passion.

    As for your skills as a DBA, I'm with Ritch. You are well on your way already. You have nothing to worry about!

    As for SQL interview questions, I have used the following resource in the past:

    Good luck! You'll do great!

    All the best,


  • Hello Dale,


    I didn't become a DBA/programmer until I was 13 years into my career. Previous to that, I was an IS Manager, an NT Administrator, and a Software Instructor. I look at DBA as another stepping stone into a Sr. Management career which is actually taking shape as we speak. I am in the interview process of a VERY lucrative career position in this area.

    I'm sure you'll manage this !


    I will say this. If you are not a user oriented person and enjoy being behind the scenes, then definitely, being a DBA is for you! Also, being a DBA is extremely challenging and satisfying. I live, breathe, and eat databases these days. It's a real passion.

    I hear you !!!

    It's something I can't explain.


    As for your skills as a DBA, I'm with Ritch. You are well on your way already. You have nothing to worry about!

    Thanks to you and Ritch for this.


    As for SQL interview questions, I have used the following resource in the past:

    Thanks! I'll have a deep look at it.

    As Ritch has written, I'm not expecting everything to be bright and sunny. There will also be ups and downs, good days and bad days.

    What I wanted to hear was something like:

    'I enjoy going to work'

    because this is something I'm missing for some months now and actually what keeps me participating that frequently in this forum.

    I had this feeling some years ago when considering the change from development into asset management. But now this thrill is gone.

    And I think I know where I can find it again.



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • quote:

    'I enjoy going to work'

    You will! However, you must keep posting to the forum. It's half the fun of being a DBA!

    All the best,


  • quote:

    'I enjoy going to work'

    I would have said that, but as I'm not really working much with sql anymore (hired under false pretenses blahdeblah), so no I'm don't.

    But seeing as you are part of the furniture around here, so to speak , I'd assume you'd like being a dba! Thought you were already to be honest.

    From a personal standpoint I love working with sql, and am eager to learn as much as I possibly can. Whats good is that I have so much to learn, which keeps me going.

    Again, good luck for the interview! Let us know how it goes.

    *I didn't do anything it just got complicated*

    "I didn't do anything it just got complicated" - M Edwards

  • quote:

    You will! However, you must keep posting to the forum. It's half the fun of being a DBA!

    ...and I thought, you full-time DBA's are really busy



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Hi Ritch,


    But seeing as you are part of the furniture around here, so to speak , I'd assume you'd like being a dba! Thought you were already to be honest.

    interesting, we have some similar wording in german.


    From a personal standpoint I love working with sql, and am eager to learn as much as I possibly can. Whats good is that I have so much to learn, which keeps me going.

    So do I. And learning is what it's all about!


    Again, good luck for the interview! Let us know how it goes.

    I surely will!



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • quote:

    interesting, we have some similar wording in german.

    I know, used to live in Wien, but 'mien Deutsch ist sehr schlekt'. As is clearly demonstrated by my awful spelling, grammar


    *I didn't do anything it just got complicated*

    "I didn't do anything it just got complicated" - M Edwards

  • quote:

    I know, used to live in Wien

    the world is that small !!!


    but 'mien Deutsch ist sehr schlekt'. As is clearly demonstrated by my awful spelling, grammar

    oh, that's still very acceptable.

    I guess the majority of german kids won't do better according to the so-called Pisa Study^



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Frank,

    You got to check this out:

    I think it's exactly what you are looking for.

    All the best,


  • Dale,


    I think it's exactly what you are looking for.

    you've topped it once again



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • If you haven't tried this clustered Search engine, you are missing out on the best Search engine on the Internet for research:

    My old professor turned me on to it and I've been addicted ever since. I love the way it categorizes everything instead of just putting it into lists.

    All the best,


    Edited by - DALEC on 07/31/2003 10:38:24 AM

  • quote:

    If you haven't tried this clustered Search engine, you are missing out on the best Search engine on the Internet for research:

    My old professor turned me on to it and I've been addicted ever since. I love the way it categorizes everything instead of just putting it into lists.

    All the best,


    the link isn't valid.

    For other readers maybe you should put the http:// at the beginning



    But apart from this, it is very impressive

    Edited by - a5xo3z1 on 07/31/2003 10:36:03 AM

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Oops! Try this:

    All the best,


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