Do not need Schema changes to subscriber after replication

  • I need help with a replication scenario which might come up soon as we plan to implement replication at my organization shortly.

    We have two servers A and B. A is prod and B is reporting server.

    A has highly denormalized tables but Tables in B are normalized as well as well indexed.

    We would like to initiate replication between A and B but not loose the normalization or table structure of B. Also A is SQL 2000 and B is SQL2005.

    Is there any way we can replicate only data from A and fill it up in tables in B without loosing schema or normalization ?

    Can someone guide me with a feasible solution.

    Thanks for your help in advance.

  • How is it possible that the production server is "denormalized" and the reporting is "normalized"... I have seen it the other way around though.

    * Noel

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