Do Loop in T-SQL

  • I have files coming from several clients, the trailers have to validated against the detail record count. Each client may send as many files as needed. How can I check each trailers record count? I guess my question is what is the equivalent of a “Do Until” in T-SQL?

    Also I am getting:

    The multi-part identifier "TEX.Enroll_Trlr.Dtl_Count" could not be bound.

    DECLARE @Run_Date as int

    DECLARE @DTL_CNT as int

    SET @Run_Date = Convert(Varchar(10),Getdate(),112)

    SET @DTL_CNT = (SELECT count(*)

    FROM TEX.Enroll_Dtl, TEX.Enroll_Trlr

    WHERE TEX.Enroll_Dtl.RunDate = @Run_Date And TEX.Enroll_Trlr.Vendor_Name = 'CFS'

    And TEX.Enroll_Dtl.Vendor_File_Name = TEX.Enroll_Trlr.Vendor_File_Name)

    IF @DTL_CNT <> Enroll_Trlr.Dtl_Count


    print 'goto QUIT'

    Exec TEX.sp_Enrollment_Error_handler


    SET @DTL_CNT = (SELECT count(*)

    FROM TEX.Enroll_Dtl, TEX.Enroll_Trlr

    WHERE TEX.Enroll_Dtl.RunDate = @Run_Date And TEX.Enroll_Trlr.Vendor_Name = 'GNA'

    And TEX.Enroll_Dtl.Vendor_File_Name = TEX.Enroll_Trlr.Vendor_File_Name)

    IF @DTL_CNT <> TEX.Enroll_Trlr.Dtl_Count


    print 'goto QUIT'

    Exec TEX.sp_Enrollment_Error_handler


    SET @DTL_CNT = (SELECT count(*)

    FROM TEX.Enroll_Dtl, TEX.Enroll_Trlr

    WHERE TEX.Enroll_Dtl.RunDate = @Run_Date And TEX.Enroll_Trlr.Vendor_Name = 'SYN'

    And TEX.Enroll_Dtl.Vendor_File_Name = TEX.Enroll_Trlr.Vendor_File_Name)

    IF @DTL_CNT <> TEX.Enroll_Dtl.Dtl_Count


    print 'goto QUIT'

    Exec TEX.sp_Enrollment_Error_handler



  • I don't recommend this approach, but you can structure a WHILE loop to act as a DO...UNTIL loop.

    WHILE (1 = 1)


    --do stuff


    -- do more stuff

    if (break_condition = true)



    That said - from what you're describing you'd be better off bulk loading to some staging table, and doing your validation there before moving it to the permanent home.....

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • Another alternative would be to use SSIS to import and validate your files prior to loading them in your database.

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • Thanx so much Guys

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